Early Intervention and School Setting Flashcards
What does early intervention consist of?
Involves early detection and intervention of problems to minimize negative effects and reduce future potential problems.
Who does early intervention serve?
Children from 0-3 years old who have, or at risk of having disabilities
Families of these children
What areas can a child have a disability in to receive early intervention?
Cognitive development Physical development Communication development Social or emotional development Adapted development
What services are available to families with early intervention?
Primary service coordination Audiology Vision Health, medical, nursing Nutrition OT, PT, SLP Psychology Social Work Transportation
What does IDEA stand for?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
What part of IDEA involves early intervention and care in schools?
Part C = Early intervention
Part B = Schools
Does a family have to give consent for an assessment/evaluation for E.I.?
Report must also be in family-friendly language
What does IFSP stand for?
Individualized Family Service Plan
What does physical therapy focus on in early childhood (0-3) and school age (3-21) children?
Early childhood (0-3): Focus on developing milestones School Age (3-21): PT focuses on students accessing the environment.
When can PT stand alone and when does it need to be related to an educational need?
PT CAN stand alone in E.I.
PT CANNOT stand alone in school age children (needs to have educational need).
What was important about the 1975 Education of all Handicapped Children Act (later turns to IDEA)?
Free and appropriate public education: All children 6-21 are entitled to free and appropriate public education and related services
1986 added E.I.
What are some important concepts for IDEA? (6)
Zero Reject: All children included
Least Restricted Environment: Try to integrate disabled kids with non disabled kids as much as possible
Right to Due Process: Parents have right to council, meeting notes, or get a translator
Parent Participation: Parents required to participate in child’s education
Nondiscriminatory Evaluation: Everyone gets an IEP
Related Services: Assists a child in benefiting from special education
What does IEP stand for?
Individualized Education Program
What is the difference between an IEP and a 504 plan?
- IEP is developed for students with disabilities who require specialized instruction
- 504 is for those who require ONLY physical accommodations and NOT specialized instruction (no special ed)
What are related services?
Transportation and such development corrective, and other supportive services as required for a student with a disability to benefit from special education
Give some examples of related services.
SLP, PT, OT Interpreting services Psychological services Counseling Orientation and mobility services School nurse, social work, and parent counseling and training in school setting
How often are IEP and 504 plans reviewed?
How often are there initial and re-evaluations?
every 3 years
When does the transition from part C (E.I.) to part B (Preschool)
6 months before child turns 3
When does transition planning for after high school begin?
Must begin at 16 years old
-Focus on personal/social skills, daily living skills, vocational training, or post-secondary school