Ch. 2 - Primitive Reflexes Flashcards
The purpose of this reflex is to assist with early eye-hand regard, provides vestibular stimulation, and changes the distribution of muscle tone. What primitive reflex am I?
Asymmetric Tonic Neck reflex - ATNR
The purpose of this reflex is for orientation allowing child to search and grasp for nipple so they can take breast of bottle without hands. What primitive reflex am I?
Rooting reflex
The purpose of this reflex is to obtain nourishment. What primitive reflex am I?
Sucking and Swallowing reflex
How can you elicit the palmar grasp reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - insert finger into pal of hand from ulnar side. Press finger against palm.
Response - quick flexion of the fingers followed by sustained finger extension.
How can you elicit the sucking and swallowing reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - place index finger in mouth
Response - rhythmical sucking and swallowing
How can you elicit the rooting reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - with head in neutral, lightly touch corner of mouth; touch upper lip; touch lower lip.
Response - movement of head, mouth, and lounge toward stimulus with neck flexion, extension, or rotation. Infant tries to suck stimulating finger.
How can you elicit the ATNR reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - rotation of head
Response - arm and leg of ‘jaw’ side extends. arm and leg of ‘skull’ side flex.
How can you elicit the plantar grasp reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - press thumb into ball of infants foot or stand child with pressure on ball of foot.
Response - automatic curling/flexion reaction of toes.
How can you elicit the flexor withdrawal and crossed extension reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - infant supine. noxious stimulus to foot/sole
Response - extension of toes. ankle DF, hip and knee flexion or total pattern of withdrawal on homolateral side. Opposite side may also withdrawal or could show crossed extension.
How can you elicit the galant reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - infant prone (on hand or supporting surface). scratch fingernail along paravertebral line about 1 inch lateral of vertebrae.
Response - incurving/lateral curvature of trunk on stimulated side.
How can you elicit the moro reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - sit child with head in midline and UE on chest. Support head, then suddenly drop head backwards 30°. Catch head when it drops back.
Response - First: Ext and And of UE with opening of hands and crying; Second: Add and Flexion of UE (embrace). LE usually extend.
How can you elicit the primary standing (positive support) reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - support child in vertical position with hands around thorax. Allow feet to make firm contact with surface.
Response - infant bears partial weight. Hips and knees are partially flexed. can trigger increased extension from legs to trunk to head. Child may stand on toes.
How can you elicit the spontaneous stepping reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - support infant in vertical position, incline infant forward.
Response - stepping with stereotyped rhythm and heel-to-gait. DF is strong. No balancing or associated movements in extremity.
How can you elicit the tonic labyrinthine reflex (TLR)? What response should you get?
Elicit - change of orientation of the head in space (flex or ext); position of head in relation to gravity while prone and supine.
Response - in prone flexor tone will predominate with arms flexed by the child’s chest. In supine extensor tone will predominate.
How can you elicit the symmetric tonic neck reflex (STNR)? What response should you get?
Elicit - flexion or extension of he head (neck)
Response - with neck flexion the UE flex and LE extend. with neck extension UE extend and LE will flex.
How can you elicit the landau reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - place child in horizontal suspension
Response - child’s head, legs, and spine extend.
How can you elicit neonatal neck righting? What response should you get?
Elicit - place child in supine. turn head and observe trunk movement.
Response - rolls like a log, no segmental dissociation.
How can you elicit neonatal body righting reflex? What response should you get?
Elicit - place child in supine. flex, adduct and IR hip across body, observe trunk movement.
Response - Rolls lik a log. no segmental sequences.
How can you elicit labyrinthine head righting? What response should you get?
Elicit - place child in vertical suspension. tilt child anterior, posterior, and laterally from vertical.
Response - the head orients to the vertical position and maintains position.
How can you elicit anterior protective response? What response should you get?
Elicit - place child in vertical suspension. plunge child downward head first.
Response - child should extend and abduct the arms with fingers spread.
How can you elicit lateral protective (parachute) response? What response should you get?
Elicit - place child in long sitting. gently push child laterally at the shoulder of tilt laterally.
Response - child should extend and abduct the arms with fingers spread to the side of fall.
How can you elicit posterior protective (parachute) response? What response should you get?
Elicit - place child in sitting. gently push child backwards at shoulders or tilt posteriorly.
Response - child should extend and abduct the arms with fingers spread backwards.
If anterior/lateral/posterior protective (parachute) responses are absent, what could be signified?
possible neurologic dysfunction or developmental delay.
If landau reflex or labyrinthine head righting is absent what is signified?
neurologic dysfunction.