E2 Health Psychology Flashcards
Exam 2
Chronic illness like cancer are partially influenced by _______________. This shows how
Lifestyle behaviors
Psych play into physical health
Can chronic illness cause psychologic issues ?
Sympathetic activation in flight or fight releases what hormone? What does this do?
Increase HR, Increase BP, muscle tension
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) is the release of what hormone?
Cortisol release can (prevent/enhance) critical functions. Is this long or short?
Consistent cortisol release can (increase/Decrease) inflammation. What is this a risk factor for?
Increase; Chronic illness
Those with a higher stressor are more or less likely to develop a cold?
2x More likely
What is the narrowing of arteries caused by hardening cholesterol?
A personality with time urgency, competitiveness, hostile is type A or B
A personality that is relaxed, easy going is type A or B
Are type A or B personalities more likely to develop a heart condition?
People with negative affect have unhealthy lifestyle behaviors
Health Behavior model
What is the Psychopathology Reactivity Model?
Exaggerated and persistent stress response
What is pain for less than a month (average) that follows an injury and disappears once injury heals
Acute Pain
What is pain for 3-6 months (average) that is associated with psych elements?
Chronic/ persistent pain
Is acute or chronic pain useful?
Acute (allows for healing)
Is pain a subjective thing?
Yes (usually dimensionally diagnosed)
Adrenaline rush helps to
Mask pain
Athletes injuring themselves and not knowing it is an example of
Attention and distraction masking pain
What states that Neural structures like the brain and the spinal cord function like a door (more open the door, more pain sensation)
Gate control theory
To close the pain gate of one area we must
injure somewhere else (open other pain gate)
The psychological model of pain is heavily related to operant conditioning, WHY?
Pain behaviors lead to pain coping behaviors like popping pills (which will increase pain behaviors)
Interdisciplinary approach applying behavioral science to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems
Behavioral Medicine
Subfield of behavioral medicine that studies psychological factors important in health promotion and maintenance.
Health Psychology
What did Saplosky’s findings of Baboons cement with stress ?
Baboons at the bottom of the social-hierachy are more likely to be stressed than higher baboons
Why were baboons at the bottom of social-hierachy more stressed?
They had less control over their life; CONTROL DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO STRESS
Improving mental health is shown to (increase/decrease) physical health throughout life
What did Cohen and Colleagues find?
The more stressed a person is, the more likely they are to develop a cold
High stress conditions directly attack the ______________ ________, which makes us more susceptible to illness
Immune system
True or False:
Coronary Heart disease is seen to be caused (at least a little) by psychological aspects
True or False:
Type B patients are more at risk for CHD
False, Type A are
True or False:
Social Support can help patients to not display pain behaviors
Use of physiological monitoring equipment to make individuals aware of their own bodily functions, such as blood pressure or brain waves, that they cannot normally access, with the purpose of controlling these functions.
True or False:
Biofeedback is inefficient and does not work as well as muscle relaxation
False, Biofeedback is efficient in certain people
repetitive thoughts of a sound to reduce distracting thoughts and closing the mind to other intruding thoughts, that decrease the flow of stress hormones and neurotransmitters and cause a feeling of calm.
Relaxation response