E-lecture 6: Employment Relationship Flashcards
What five factors influence the employment relationship?
- Legislation
- Expectations of the other party
- Power balance between parties
- Behaviour towards other parties
- Emotions and attitudes
What three factors is employee behaviour/attitudes influenced by?
- Community
- Trade unions/reps
- Friends and families
By what three factors are employers influenced?
- Managers (or not)
- Shareholders or trustees
- Customers
What are the three perspectives on the employment relationship?
- Unitarist
- Pluralist
- Marxist
Waht is the unitarist view on the employment relationship?
- Shared goals
- Keeping employees happy benefits all
- Conflict is just because of personality clashes and communication issues
What is the pluralist view on the employment relationship?
- Conflict is inevitable opposing interests
- Management has to balance conflicting interests
- Trade unions are seen as necessary and valuable
What is the Marxist view on the employment relationship?
- Conflict necessary for workers to further their interests
- Reducing conflict only benefits management.
How can the shift from pluralism to unitarism be seen?
- Overall trend of decline in trade union memberships
- Shift towards favouring employer in legislation protecting against dismissal.
What perspectives on the employment relationship are important in the west and why?
In western world, Marxist view not important. Unitarist and pluralist views are important because they shape our perspective on the nature of employment relationships, the role of unions, and managers in HR practices.
What are mutual gains?
happy worker is productive worker. Wellbeing-improving HR practices increase productivity and commitment. Are more likely when HR practices are perceived to create a positive employment relations climate and when they are more focused on encouraging employee commitment than controlling behavior. Unitarist view
What are conflicting outcomes?
Pluralist view believes in conflicting outcomes: HR practices are for management benefit, and these practices are not in interest of employees.
What is the happy-productive worker hypothesis?
job satisfaction positively relates to job performance and emotional exhaustion negatively relates to it.
What is evidence for conflicting outcomes?
HR practices positively related to affective commitment and innovative behaviors, but HR practices are positively related to higher demands and therefore higher levels of stress.
What is employee disciplining?
Employee disciplining: actions imposed by organizations on employees for not following organization’s rules, procedures etc. Can be both corrective and preventive.
What are the goals of employee discipline?
- Legal requirements
- Performance improvement
- Workplace harmony.
How should a progressive disciplinary approach be communicated?
- Be specific
- Focus on behaviour
- Create awareness of misconduct
- Create understanding what needs to change
Name four pieces of advice for terminating employees?
- Who: direct manager should fire employee
- When: pick a day that is not followed by at least one consecutive workday
- Where: Neutral place that you can exit afterwards
- How: Face-to-face and short (max 15 minutes to inform, explain and advise)
What are the four voice mechanisms in the workplace?
- Colleagues: might make you feel better but there will probably not be any feasible solutions
- Manager: Have more power than you; could make changes and offer solutions.
- HR-department: specific expertise of helping students. Can act as intermediaries.
- Union reps: Gives collective voice to your employee group.
What is employee voice?
how employees raise concerns, express their interests, solve problems and contribute to workplace decision-making.
What is indirect voice?
focuses on strategic issues; collective concerns. It is done through representatives or intermediaries
Decline in indirect voice as organizations move from pluralist to unitarist view.
What is direct voice?
involvement in day-to-day decisions; individual concerns
What are the pros of voice?
- Voice promotes self-expression, visibility and increased transparency of workplace practices
What are the cons of voice?
- Can lead to disillusion, frustration and dissatisfaction if managed improperly
Why is digital voice becoming more important?
Digital voice can enable employees to voice their concerns publicly and anonymously. Alse enables collaborative problems solving between workers
What are the three challenges of digital voice?
- Only focus on narrow, predefined issues
- Restrict two-way dialogue
- Voices are easier to silence or ignore