Chapter 7: Managing Employee Performance Flashcards
When does performance management work best?
Performance management works best when focused on continuous feedback and development. Key is to align performance management system with culture at organizational and societal level.
Name the two distinct functions of performance management?
- Administrative: organizations need to evaluate performance to make decisions related to pay rises, promotions etc. This focuses on past performance
- Developmental: employees need high-quality feedback to improve current performance and prepare for new roles. Focuses on future performance
What are the three stages of the overall performance management cycle?
- Defining
- Evaluating
- Developing
What is the difference between objective and subjective evaluations?
- Objective evaluations focus on job outputs or goal achievements
- Subjective evaluations rely on rater’s judgment.
Name five points of effective defining in performance management cycle?
- Best to engage multiple performance indicators and engage multiple stakeholders in evaluation process to get more complete picture
- First define what good performance entails before setting performance goals.
- Goal-setting strategy effective for motivating, increasing persistence and increasing job performance and commitment.
- Let employees engage in setting their own goals as they will be more motivated to achieve them.
- Both set goal and identify a strategy for reaching it. Employees need to know how their behavior can influence their performance metrics.
What is organizational citizenship behavior / extra-role performance?
activities valued by organizations but outside of the scope of an employee’s formal job requirements.
Name the difference between absolute rating methods and comparative evaluating methods?
- Absolute rating methods: evaluating against some standard or benchmark. Allow equal rating for two employees
- Comparative rating methods: relative rating compared against other employees. Doesn’t allow equal rating.
Name three disadvantages of absolute rating methods?
- Raters apply idiosyncratic standards (graphic rating scales)
- Limited developmental feedback (graphic rating scales)
- Need unique scales for individual jobs. (behavioral scales)
Name the two advantages of absolute rating methods?
- Same scale can be used for multiple jobs (graphic rating scales)
- Explicit behavioral standards/feedback (behavioral scales)
What is the main advantages of comparative methods (ranking and forced distributions)?
Good for administrative decisions
What are graphic rating scales?
rating for employees requires rater to evaluate employee on series of performance dimensions. Rater chooses a number, category etc. that best describes the employee. Five points is best size of scale.
What are the three disadvantages of comparative methods (ranking and forced distributions)?
- Limited developmental feedback
- May be perceived as politically motivated or capricious
- Can generate employee competition and unethical behavior
What is a behavioral observation scale?
Behavioral observation scales show how often a behavior is performed (never/occasionally/ consistently etc).
What are the advantages of behavioral observation scales?
- Are usually perceived as fair by employees
- Provides direct feedback to employee about why they received a particular scale
- It’s clear what employees need to do to change their rating on the BOS.
What is a comparative ranking of employees in performance management system?
raters identify best employee, second-best etc. Has multiple variations.
What are the disadvantages of behavioral observation scales?
- More difficult to develop; not wide adaptation
- Requires unique rating scale for every job in company.
Name the six common rating errors?
- Leniency error
- Severity error
- Central tendency error
- Halo error
- Recency error
- Contrast error
- Similar-to-me error
What is a leniency error?
some raters are easy graders and therefore give high evaluations to all employees regardless of performance.
What is a forced distribution performance management system?
constrains the extent to which raters can use specific performance categories.
What is severity error?
some raters give all employees scores at low end of performance rating regardless of performance.
Name three points of attention for comparative performance management?
- Works best when They are linked to clear objective criteria known to employees.
- Can drive employees to compete with colleagues, reducing innovation and motivating unethical behavior
- Likely to generate feelings of mistrust.
What is central tendency error?
rater consistently rates employees at midpoint of scale
What is a halo error in performance management?
rater’s evaluation on one performance dimension creates overall positive or negatives impression that drives ratings on other dimensions
What is a recency error in performance management?
a rater’s evaluation is heavily influenced by employee’s most recent performance
What is the similar-to-me error in performance management?
evaluation is inflated because rater feels personal connection resulting from shared demographics, values or experiences.
What is a contrast error in performance management?
rater’s evaluation of average employee is boosted after rating a poor employee, or lowered after rating an excellent employee
What is frame-of-reference training?
training that helps raters create a shared understanding of performance evaluation, done by giving raters specific benchmarks as comparison points.
Which three things help in encouraging raters to make more accurate judgments?
- Training
- Memory aids
- Accountability
What are memory aids?
processes for recording performance information across entire year so that ratings are not heavily influenced by performance events.
What is accountability in rating performance?
holding managers accountable will increase data quality emerging from performance evaluation systems. Managers should have written justifications for their evaluations.
Which two things make an employee feel like they have been treated fairly?
- Strong, high-quality relationship between employee and manager
- Feedforward feedback: feedback and support in developing employee’s past behavior.
What is 360-degree feedback?
feedback from multiple stakeholders; makes feedback appear more legit.
Should be given to employees by managers
Name three ways to make feedback more effective?
- Reflect on your own beliefs about your employee’s job performance and abilities.
- Let employees engage in self-appraisals; will facilitate learning and generate greater change than feedback that comes from a manager.
- Encourage Employee-generated solutions: agree with employee on solution to problems; encourage employees to explore and experiment with their own solutions.
What are the five principles of effective feedback?
- Engage in 360-degree feedback
- Daily and weekly feedback for performance improvements
- Managers should check in regularly and give feedback when employees need it most
- Give feedback immediately after effective or ineffective feedback
- Give balanced, specific (task and behavior focused) feedback