Chapter 3: Hiring new employees Flashcards
Name the two criteria for good hiring procedures
- legal (don’t result in discriminatory hiring decisions
- Valid (accurately predict job performance)
What is disparate treatment?
members of one demographic group are treated differently than members of another demographic group
What is disparate impact?
groups are unequally affected by same treatment or standards.
What is meant by selection procedure validity?
describes whether selection procedures accurately measures aspects of the applicant likely to be associated with job performance.
Name the three types of selectoin procedure validity
- Criterion-related validity
- Content validity
- Construct validity
What is meant by criterion-related validity?
extent to which tests predict on-the-job performance
- Cognitive ability test has high criterion-related validity if test scores are strongly associated with the supervisors’ ratings of the new hires’ performance.
What is meant by content validity?
extent to which a test directly samples the knowledge, skills and behavior needed on the job. It is measured by asking experts familiar with the job’s content to make an informed decision about an applicant’s suitability
What is meant by construct validity?
evaluating the test by comparing it to other tests that are supposed to be measuring the same things.
What is an open hiring strategy?
job applicants hired on a first-come, first-hired basis. Good for hiring many, quickly.
Name the three types of hiring assessments?
- Initial assessment
- Evaluative assessment
- Contingent assessment
What is an initial assessment in hiring new employees and how can it be done?
- Initial assessments: screening out the least qualified
- Can be done through resumes and application forms, prescreening tests
What are prescreening tests?
usually computer-based tests that eliminate the bottom 25%, saving HR time and effort.
Prescreening tests are becoming gamified
Useful initial assessments.
Name five tests used in evaluative assessments?
- Cognitive ability tests
- Work sample tests
- Situational judgment tests
- Personality tests
- Integrity tests
What are evaluative assessments?
Shortlisting the Top Applicants
- Can compare tests scores to other applicants who passed initial assessments and consider which applicants are most suitable
What are cognitive ability tests and name two disadvantages?
tests general intelligence. Popular among employers because of affordability and high criterion-validity compared to other tests. Hard to fake.
Disadvantages of cognitive ability tests: reflect culture of test creators and job applicants don’t necessarily like them
What are work sample and situational judgment tests?
these tests simulate on-to-he-job scenarios to see how applicants handle these situations.
Name three benefits of work sample tests
- Organization learns how applicant will react in similar situations on the job
- Applicants view work sample test favorably
- Opportunity to perform is valued; rejected applicants feel fairly treated
Name three disadvantages of a work sample test?
- Can be expensive to design and administer
- Have relatively lower criterion-related validity
- Provides opportunities for rater bias
What are situational judgment tests?
great replacement for complete work sample test and provide applicants with a short but challenging situation to see how they would respond. Advantages include it being favored by applicants and the high criterion-related validity.
What are personality tests?
tests measuring big five dimensions (conscientiousness, emotional stability openness, extroversion, agreeableness) can be used to predict behaviour and performance on the job.
Name four disadvantages of personality tests?
- Criterion-related validity varies per dimension
- Applicants prefer work sample tests
- Tests can be faked; applicants answering what is attractive for the job they’re applying for
- Some questions could be discriminatory
What are integrity tests?
What do applicants think of them?
Tests integrity, not favored by applicants.
Name the two types of integrity tests
- Overt integrity tests: out in the open
- Covert integrity tests: measure integrity directly by examining conscientiousness, respect for authority etc.
What are contingent assessments?
- Reference checks and background checks
- Social media reviews
What is a multi-hurdle selection procedure?
good way to keep recruitment costs low: design multiple hurdles people have to pass. Cheap and easily administered tests should go first, wait with more expensive tests until least qualified are weeded out.
What is the difference between recruiting and hiring activities?
recruiting focuses on broad cultural fit, while hiring focuses on job-relevant skills