E - Cultural Theories - Part 2 Flashcards
Preliminary Consideration:
Pyramid of Needs by Maslow
Basic problem and Stages
Problem = need = shortage, Target and Actual is not the same
Physiological needs Safety Social relationships Appreciation Self-Fulfillment
Preliminary Consideration:
Pyramid of Needs by Maslow
Example: beverage
Physiological needs:
- Quench one’s thirst
- stay healthy
Social relationships:
- drinking together
- being cool
- experience something
Preliminary Consideration:
Pyramid of Needs by Maslow
- static model -> dynamic model
- depending on culture (only way to Western culture?) and religion (e.g. celibacy)
Basic Idea of the “Silent Revolution” (Inglehart)
- values are ordered hierarchically (from biological over material to social and psychological needs -> see Maslow)
- societies are subject to value change
- value change triggered by the wealth of a society
- Politologe -> sociology (dynamic, changeable)
Devolopment from Materialism to Postmaterialism
- > surviving
- > e.g. African nations
- > Wellness
- > e.g. Industrialized countries
Claims of the Postmaterialism-Hypothesis
- in developed, Western societies consumers soon will be satisfied by consuming material goods
- if there is no material need / short-coming, higher values become more important
- > postmaterialistic values
Value Map
Empirical Study: World Value Survey (1981)
-> two overarching dimensions
Traditional vs. secular-rational values
Survival vs. Self-Expression
Value Map
Empirical Study: World Value Survey (1981)
Traditional vs. secular-rational values
Traditional values:
- obedience, religion
- > dictators accepted (e.g. Libya)
Secular-rational values:
- autonomy, responsibility
- > party-systems accepted (e.g. Germany)
Value Map
Empirical Study: World Value Survey (1981)
Survival vs. Self-Expression
- family life, security
- > basic needs (e.g. Nigeria)
- well-being, leisure time, openness
- > self-fulfillment (e.g. Sweden)
Rice Theory (Talhelm 2014)
Modernization Hypothesis
As societies become wealthier, more educated, and capitalistic, they become more individualistic and analytical
Rice Theory (Talhelm 2014)
Pathogen Prevalence Theory
A high prevalence of communicable diseases in some countries made it more dangerous to deal with strangers, making those cultures more insular and collectivistic
Rice Theory (Talhelm 2014)
Subsistence Style Theory
Argues that some forms of subsistence (such as farming) require more functional interdependence than other forms (such as herding). At the same time, ecology narrows the types of subsistence that are possible
- > e.g. paddy rice requires a significant amount of water
- > over time, societies that have to cooperate intensely become more interdependent, whereas societies that do not have to depend on each other as much, become more individualistic
Rice Theory (Talhelm 2014)
- rice and wheat lead to different cultures
- farmers need to build elaborate irrigation systems, that require farmers to cooperate
- in these irrigation systems one families’ water use can affect their neighbors -> rice farmers have to coordinate their water use
- extraordinary amount of work needed
- > intense cooperation, tight relationships based on reciprocity, avoid behaviors that create conflict
- easier to grow, so farmers can rely on rainfall -> no coordination needed
- less work for planting and harvesting needed
- > lighter burden means, that farmers can look after their own plots without relying as much on their neighbors
Rice Theory (Talhelm 2014)
Operationalization of Collectivism
Triad Task
Sociogram Task
Loyalty and Nepotism Task
Rice Theory (Talhelm 2014)
Operationalization of Collectivism
Triad Task
Tests for Holistic Thought
List with three items (e.g. train, bus and tracks). Participants decide which two items should be paired together
Analytic choice:
- Same abstract category (train and bus -> category vehicles)
- > Western / Individualistic
Holistic Choice:
- Share a functional relationship (trains run on tracks)
- > East Asians / collectivistic cultures