C - Method: Comparative Analysis and Equivalence Flashcards
Basic Idea of the Comparative Approach
- finding universal vs. culture-specific determinants and correlates of consumer behavior
- comparison as the method to gain knowledge
Basic Idea of the Comparative Approach
Self Reference problem
Culture bound vs. culture free
Etic Approach
Culture free thesis
-> Consumer Models and Measurement can be applied universally
Culture bound vs. culture free
Etic Approach
Pros and cons
- comparability
- Validity, Reliability
Culture bound vs. culture free
Emic Approach
Culture bound thesis
-> Consumer Models and measurement instruments need to be culture specific
Culture bound vs. culture free
Emic Approach
Pros and cons
- Validity, reliability
Culture bound vs. culture free
Etic Approach
Problem: Pseude-etic research
Equivalence of methods
Questions to consider
Are there differences in the sampling?
-> sampling bias
Are the interviewer instructions equivalent?
-> administration bias
Is the response behavior comparable?
-> instrument bias
Equivalence of methods
What is bias due to self-selection?
Equivalence of constructs
Are there different understandings of constructs?
-> e.g. number of indicator variables, only partial overlap of content
Equivalence of constructs
What is a precondition for cross-cultural comparative research?
Equivalence of constructs
-> no bias of constructs
Semantic of items
Semantic equivalence
- Language contains many elements which are emic (cultural differences)
- literal vs. idiomatic translation
- application translation techniques
Preparing the Master Version to increase the semantic equivalence of questionnaires
Ways to increase semantic equivalence of questionnaires
Name 5
1) use short, simple sentences
2) active voice
3) avoid pronouns (repeat nouns)
4) avoid metaphoric or colloquial terms
5) avoid subjunctive
6) embed important terms in context
7) repeat important sentences with other words
8) avoid adverbs and prepositions with “where” and “when”-determination
9) avoid possessive nouns
10) avoid general terms (create at relationship in content)
11) avoid undefined statements about manner, scope, or numbers of persons, things, events
12) use terms which are familiar to the translator
13) do not build sentences with two different verbs which refer to different processes
Semantic Equivalence
Translation Techniques
Direct Translation
Back translation
Parallel translation
Combined technique
Semantic Equivalence
Translation Techniques
Direct translation
Pros and Cons:
- Translation from original language into target language
- simple to do
- Translation error and discrepancy between language A and B
Semantic Equivalence
Translation Techniques
Back Translation
Pros and Cons:
- Translation from original language A into target language B and then translation from target language back into original language A1
- comparison of A and A1
- revels most of the discrepancy
- two native speaking translators needed (A and B)
Semantic Equivalence
Translation Techniques
Parallel translation
Pros and Cons:
- Parallel translation of original language A into target language B, so there are two different versions: B and B1
- Comparison of B and B1
- simple to implement in country A with translator B
- good wording in B but maybe different to the meaning of A
Semantic Equivalence
Translation Techniques
Combined technique
Pros and cons:
- Parallel translation from original language A into two versions in language B (B and B1)
- translation of B and B1 back into original language A (A1 and A2)
- Comparison between A1 and A2 and A1, A2 and A
- ensures the best fit of A and B
- costly implementation
- difficult to find good translators
Equivalence of Instruments
Response styles (on a seven-point-scale)
Acquiescence Response Styles (ARS)
-> checking 5, 6, 7
Disaquiescence Response Style (DRS)
-> checking 1, 2, 3
Midpoint Response Style (MRS)
-> checking 4
Extreme response style (ERS)
-> checking 1 or 7
Equivalence of Instruments
Response styles (on a seven-point-scale)
Why do Chinese Respondents Tend to the midpoint?
Explanation 1:
Safe Face
Explanation 2:
The Doctrine of the Mean
Explanation 3:
Social Proof
Equivalence of Instruments
Response styles (on a seven-point-scale)
Why do Chinese Respondents Tend to the midpoint?
Explanation 1: Save Face
According to confucianism it is very important in China to “save face”, meaning to save the structure and quality of human relationships
-> Norm of the group is relevant. Conflicts are to be avoided
Equivalence of Instruments
Response styles (on a seven-point-scale)
Why do Chinese Respondents Tend to the midpoint?
Explanation 2: The Doctrine of the Mean
Cardinal (core) virtues of confucian virtue ethics: The virtuous man is a moderate man
Equivalence of Instruments
Response styles (on a seven-point-scale)
Why do Chinese Respondents Tend to the midpoint?
Explanation 3: Social Proof
Assumption that the mean responses to the opinion of the majority provides security.
Typical saying:
- China (collectivistic): “The bird in the front get shot”
- US (individualistic): “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”