DSA 1 Flashcards
What is fascia?
Thin sheet of tissue surrounding deeper structures
Deep fascia organizes limbs into what?
What is a muscle compartment?
Group of muscles surrounded by deep fascia separations
What is compartment syndrome?
excessive pressure within a compartment
Which muscles are in the anterior arm compartment?
Biceps brachii
What is the action, innervation, and blood supply of the anterior compartment muscles?
Action: flexion
Innervation: Musculocutaneous nerve
Blood supply: Brachial artery
Which muscle in the anterior compartment of the arm does not abide by all the rules? How?
Brachialis muscle has two innervations, musculocutaneous and radial nerve
List the attachments, action, innervation, and blood supply for the coracobrachialis muscle
Coracoid Process; Humerus midshaft
Flex shoulder; Adduct arm
Musculocutaneous n.
Blood Supply:
Brachial Artery
List the attachments, action, innervation, and blood supply for the brachialis muscle
Distal ½ anterior humerus; Ulnar tuberosity
Flex elbow
Musculocutaneous n.
Radial n.
Blood Supply:
Brachial Artery
What does the humeroulnar joint do?
Flexion and extension only
List the attachments, action, innervation, and blood supply for the biceps brachii muscle?
Proximal, Long head -supraglenoid tubercle
Proximal, Short head - coracoid process
Distal, Radial tuberosity & Bicipital aponeurosis
Flex shoulder & elbow
Supinate forearm
Musculocutaneous n.
Blood Supply:
Brachial Artery
What does the humeroradial joint do?
Flexion and extension of the elbow, pronation/supination
Biceps brachii action is limited by the position of the wrist. Why?
Biceps tendon is wrapped when the wrist is pronated. Complete contraction only takes place during supination (think flexing your bicep)
Biceps tendon rupture is typically which head? What are the two types of ruptures?
Long head rupture; distal and proximal popeye deformities
What are the muscles of the posterior compartment of the arm?
Triceps brachii
What is the action, innervation, and blood supply of the posterior compartment muscles?
Extension (shoulder and/or elbow joint)
Radial n.
Blood Supply:
Profunda Brachii Artery AKA Deep Brachial artery
List the attachments, action, innervation, and blood supply for the triceps brachii muscle
- Long head -infraglenoid tubercle
- Lateral head - posterior humeral shaft superior to radial groove
- Medial head - posterior humeral shaft inferior to radial groove
1. Olecranon process (ulna)
Actions: Extend elbow (all) & shoulder (long head only)
Radial n.
Blood supply: Profunda Brachii a.
List the attachments, action, innervation, and blood supply for the anconeus muscle
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Lateral olecranon process of ulna
Extend & stabilize elbow joint (fine-tunes joint)
Radial n.
Blood supply: Profunda Brachii a.
What is the name of the common humerus fracture? How does it present?
Supracondyle humeral fracture; presents with S curve in the arm, break at the distal humerus
What two septums separate the forearm compartments?
- inter muscular septum
2. Interosseus membrane
Muscles in the posterior component of the arm have what action, innervation, and blood supply?
Extension (digit and/or wrist joints)
Exceptions: Brachioradialis & Supinator
Innervation: Radial n.
Blood Supply: Radial and/or Ulnar artery
Most posterior, superficial forearm muscles share what attachment?
Common extensor tendon to lateral epicondyle of the humerus
What are the 6 muscles of the posterior, superficial forearm?
Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor digiti minimi Extensor carpi ulnaris
List the attachment and action of the brachioradialis muscle.
lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus to
styloid process of radius
flexes elbow
List the attachment and action of the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle.
lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus to the base of metacarpal 2
Action: Extends and abducts the wrist (radial deviation)
List the attachment and action of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle.
lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the base of metacarpal 3
Action: Extends and abducts the wrist (radial deviation)
List the attachment and action of the extensor digitorum muscle.
lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the extensor expansion of digits 2-5
Extension of digits 2-5