Drugs for acid-related disorders Flashcards
any symptoms referable to the upper GIT… including upper abdominal
pain or discomfort, heart burn, acid reflux, nausea & vomiting
Symptoms arise from 5 main conditions:
- Non-ulcer / functional dyspepsia (indigestion) * Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) * Gastritis * Duodenal ulcers
- Gastric ul
Indigestion: clinical features (impaired GIT)
Abdominal discomfort.
Duodenal & gastric ulceration
- H. pylori present in 95% and 70% of
ulcers respecƟvely → thought to secrete
chemical factors which cause gastric
mucosal damage
- Lower oesophageal sphincter
incompetence - ↓ muscle tone via
medicine / over treating
- Increased acid producƟon →
inflammation of stomach, attributed to
Helicobacter pylori infection, NSAIDs /
acute alcohol ingestion
Generally; pain above the umbilicus and centrally located
* Pain behind sternum; heartburn
* Not likely to have lower abdomen pain
Pain radiating to other areas of body = more serious pathology – refer ? Cardiovascular
esp down inside aspect of left arm.
Associated symptoms
Persistent vomiting with /without blood = ulceration / cancer – refer
Black and tarry stools indicate a bleed in GIT – refer
MoA: Neutralise stomach acid
Active ingredients: * Sodium, potassium = quick acting, quick action
* Magnesium (diarrhoea), aluminium (constipation) = less soluble,
prolonged action
* Calcium (constipation) = quick acting, prolonged action
Drug Interaction of Antacids
affect absorption of drugs – tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, iron,
digoxin, indomethacin - esp enteric coated tablets – leave gap of 2
hours between medications
Alginates (alginic acid)
Gaviscon - 1st-line treatment for heartburn and reflux.
alginates form a protective sponge-like matrix barrier over the gastric contents preventing reflux
they must be taken 1 hour after a meal and before bedtime
safe to use in pregnancy and lactation
be cautious of salt-restricted diet people.
H2 antagonists
Reduce gastric acid and
pepsin secretion by blocking
the action of histamine at the
H2- receptors in the parietal
cells of the stomach
H2 antagonist drugs
Ranitidine, cimetidine and famotidine
Drug interaction of H2 antagonists ( ranitidine and cimetidine)
With liver enzymes CYP450