Drug Toxicities, Bilirubin, Kernicterus, Dumping/HH, Hyperkalemia Flashcards
Used for Bipolar, specifically for manic episodes but not for the depression
What it its
Therepeutic level:
Toxic level:
LITHIUM (antimania drug)
Therepeutic level: 0.6 to 1.2
Toxic level: > 2.0
*Notice gray area: 1.3-2
Used to treat A-Fib and CHF
What are its
Therepeutic level:
Toxic level:
Therepeutic level: 1 to 2
Toxic level: >2
Used for muscle spasm relaxer for the airway
- compound of the bronchodilator theophylline
*actually NOT a bronchodilator, only relaxes spasms
B2 -> relaxes spasms
*bronchodilators should be given AFTER antispasmotic to relax the airway first THEN dilate
What is its
Therapeutic level:
Toxic level:
Non-therapeutic level:
What is its
Therapeutic level: 10 to 20
Toxic level: > 20
Non-therapeutic level: < 10… if it is ot therapeutic, increase dose of medication, and assess for compliance
Seizure medication
What is its
Therapeutic level:
Toxic level:
Therapeutic level: 10-20
Toxic: level: >20
Breakdown product of Red Blood Cells
What is its
Elevated level: ___________________
Toxicity: _________________
When do physicians want to hospitalize these newborns?
Level: __________________
Elevated level: 10 to 20
Toxicity: >20
*always tested in the newborns on the NCLEX
When do physicians want to hospitalize these newborns?
Level: when the bilirubin level is 14 to 15
When there is excess bilirubin in the brain
It occurs when bilirubin level in blood gets _____________
In the brain, it may cause aseptic (sterile) meningitis or encepalopathy (don’t need to know)
> 20
• Position the newborn assume due to irritation of the meninges from kernicterus
• Presentation: hyperextended posture … (Is a medical emergency)
In what position do you place an opisthotonic newborn?
*Opisthotonic: Position the newborn assume due to irritation of the meninges from kernicterus
Put them on the side
It is when the newborn comes out yellow, something is wrong
Pathologic jaundice
It is when the newborn turn yellow 2 to 3 days postpartum, that’s ok
Physiologic jaundice
What are gastric emptying problems and are opposites
Dumping Syndrome vs. Hiatal Hernia
• Regurgitation of gastric acid upward or backward into esophagus
• “Like a cow with 2 stomachs,” gastric contents go in wrong direction at the correct rate
• S/Sx of hiatal hernia is similar to GERD (Heartburn and indigestion)
• S/Sx of hiatal hernia = S/Sx of GERD when LYING DOWN AFTER A MEAL (THIS DISTINGUISHES ____ from GERD)
- in other words, Heartburn, Indigestion on lying down after eating
*it is GERD after you lie down and eat
What is the treatment of HIATAL HERNIA
- Elevate HOB (head of bed) during and 1 hour after meals
- Increase the amount of fluids with meals
- Increase the amount of Carb content
- these cause the stoamach to empy quickly so its content doesn’t back up
0High-ata Hernia…. Everything high
• Gastric contents are dumped too quickly into duodenum
o Right direction but at wrong rate • S/Sx of dumping syndrome
o Drunk: Staggering gate, impaired judgment, labile—all blood gone to gut
o Also get Shock: cold/clammy, tachycardia, pale
o Now add Acute abdominal distress: n/v, diarrhea, cramping, guarding, borborygmi,
bloating, distention • Dumping syndrome = Drunk, Shock, Acute Abdominal Distress (r/t to dehydration)
Dumping syndrome
What are the S/Sx of dumping syndrome
o Drunk: Staggering gate, impaired judgment, labile—all blood gone to gut
o Also get Shock: cold/clammy, tachycardia, pale
o Now add Acute abdominal distress: n/v, diarrhea, cramping, guarding, borborygmi, bloating, distention
Drunk + Shock
Drunk + Shock + Acute abdominal distress
Dumping syndrome
What is the Tx of Dumping Syndrome?
•Can do 3 things, as shown below
1. Lower HOB (head of bed) during meals and turn pt on the side
2. Decrease the amount of fluids 1 or 2 hours before or after meals
3. Decrease the amount of Carb content
o These 3 things prevent the stomach to empty quickly or dump its content into the duodenum
• Dumping syndrome … Everything low
• Protein does the opposite of carbohydrate
• Protein bulks gastric content, takes longer to digest, and moves slower through the gut
• Therefore, give
Do we give low or high protein in HIATAL HERNIA?
• Protein does the opposite of carbohydrate
• Protein bulks gastric content, takes longer to digest, and moves slower through the gut
• Therefore, give
Do we give low or high protein for DUMPING SYNDROME?
Go in the same direction as the prefix, except for HR and urine output (UO), which go in the opposite direction
What does HYPOkalemia look like
Symptoms go low with hypo, except UO and HR
What does HYPERkalemia look like?
Symptoms go high with hyper, except HR and UP
List the S/Sx of Hyperkalemia
Brain: seizures, agitation, irritability, loud down
Heart: tented T waves, ST elevated, decrease HR
Bowel: diarrhea, borborygmi
Muscle: spasticity, increase tone, hyperreflexia (3+, 4+)
UO: down (oligouria)
Lungs: Tachypnea