Drug Information Flashcards
Primary literature
Original research, theories, ideas, opinions
Want it to be peer reviewed published in scientific journal – caution if it has not been peer reviewed
Beall’s List
list of predatory publishers that do not perform rigorous peer review
secondary resource published by NIH showing publicly and privately funded clinical trials
Cochrane library
secondary resource published by John Wiley & Sons that contain systematic reviews, clinical trial registry, and cochrane clinical answers
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
secondary resource published by ESCBO that contains >1000 medical journals
secondary resource published under Elsevier that contains MEDLINE journals – may publish journals faster than MEDLINE
google scholar
secondary resource published by google containing scholarly material, organized by # of citations
secondary resource with >1000 clinical practice guidelines
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA)
secondary resource with >800 peer-reviewed journals with relevance to pharmacy practice
LexisNexis (Nexis Uni)
secondary resource with >60,000 legal, news, and public record sources for current events
secondary resource published by NLM with >5000 peer-reviewed journals
Most relevant secondary resource for pharmacists
Trip database
secondary resource with all RCTs and systematic reviews from MEDLINE
searchable by PICOS terms
tertiary resources
provides convenient information that has been synthesized and summarized from primary literature
ex: textbook, electronic drug/medical databases, clinical practice guidelines, systematic review articles
tertiary should be first step in systematic search for drug information
systematic reviews w/ meta-analysis may be considered primary if they yield new results
American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) Drug Information
tertiary resource published by ASHP- high level of detail for clinical evidence; avail on Lexicomp
Clinical Pharmacology
tertiary resource published by Elsevier that contains monographs, pt education in english & spanish, beers criteria, ISMP, searchable by adverse reaction
tertiary resource published by NLM with package inserts, links to clinical trials
tertiary resource that focuses on medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, PK, pharmacogenomics
Facts & Comparisons
tertiary resource best for community pharmacy practice
review of natural products
Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs
tertiary resource published by APhA that is an overview of OTCs
Index Nominum
tertiary resource providing clinical & nomenclature info for meds; avail thru micromedex
tertiary resource with a variety of sub-databases; has pt info handouts based on literacy level; avail thru uptodate
tertiary resource that provides monographs on >6000 meds with some international drugs, diagnostics, supplements, veterinary; avail on micromedex, lexicomp
tertiary resource known for coverage of off-label uses ; includes Red Book for pricing information
PDR and Prescribers’ Digital Reference
tertiary resource with FDA-approved prescribing info. special print editions for herbals, OTCs, ophthalmics, supplements
tertiary resource with comprehensive FDA-approved information, safety information (recalls), Orange Book (therapeutic equivalence) and Purple Book (biologics)
USP Dictionary of US Adopted Names and International Drug Names
tertiary resource published by USP with info on chemical, generic, proprietary names and chemical info, like structure & weight
Tertiary Resources for Adverse Effects & Reactions
Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs
Side Effects of Drugs Annual
Drug-Induced Diseases
Tertiary Resources for Compounding
Handbook of Injectable Drugs
King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures
Trissel’s Stability of Compounded Formulations
Extemporaneous Formulations for Pediatric, Geriatric, and Special Needs Patients
Extended Stability for Parenteral Drugs
Tertiary Resources for Dietary Supplements
Dietary Supplement Label Database
Natural Medicines
Tertiary Resources for Interactions
The Top 100 Drug Interactions
Stockley’s Drug Interactions
Tertiary Resources for Medical Information
Tertiary Resources for Pharmacogenomics
Pharmacogenmoics sub-database in Lexicomp
Tertiary Resource for Pregnancy and Lactation
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation
Catalog of Teratogenic Agents
Medications and Mothers’ Milk
Harriet Lane Handbook
tertiary resource for pediatrics
Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseaes
tertiary resource for standards of care managing infectious disease in peds patients
Tertiary Resource for Toxicology
Goldfranks’ Toxicology Emergencies
Tertiary Resource for Veterniary products
Compendium of Veterinary Products
Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook
Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Descriptive Research Design
Shares anecdotal experiences. Lacks formal evidence, but hypotesis-generating
Case report (single pt), case series (multiple patients)
Observational Study Design
Evidence with formally planned method but NOT experimental
Cross-sectional (prevalence), case-control (outcome of interest), cohort (risk factor of interest)
Cohorts gold standard for pharmcoepidemiology
Interventional Study Design
Evidence with formal, preplanned method and with an intervention
Noncontrolled trials, interrupted time series, non-equivalent control groups, and RCT (gold standard)
Noncontrolled trials
Interventional Study Design
Involves single group of patients who all receive intervention of interest
Can use if placebo unethical
ex: pts in ICU not responding to dexamethasone were treated with preplanned protocol of cyclosporine + favipiravir for covid
Interrupted Time Series
Interventional Study Design
Most commonly used when investigators seek to implement a practice change & want to compare it with previous conditions
Non-equivalent control group
Interventional Study Design
“quasi-randomized” AKA cluster randomized trial
Patients placed into groups based on location (hospital, clinic) or self-select into one group (selection bias)
P: patient, population, problem
I: intervention or interest
C: comparator or control
O: outcomes
S: setting or study design
Creates search terms for secondary sources like PubMed
Boolean terms
used if more than 1 MeSH term used
AND = both terms
OR = either term
NOT = indexed to first term, not second term (caution use)
Using more than 2-3 terms can make it overly specific. If <100 articles result, use a filter instead of more terms.
PubMed automatic term mapping
key words that are searched are automatically mapped to see if entry term detected – can increase sensitivity, however may decrease specificity
assumes AND
tool to introduce yourself to patient, caregiver, provider
A: Acknowledge
I: Introduce
D: Duration
E: Explanation
T: Thank you
Preferred communication style
not passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive
nonverbal communication addressing physical distance between people
nonverbal communication addressing use of time
nonverbal communication addressing use of eye contact
nonverbal communication addressing use of touch
nonverbal communication addressing use of body movements
nonverbal communication addressing use of objects (clothing, lab jacket, pt materials)
nonverbal communication addressing use of vocal tone/pitch
took to assess patient’s problem and symptoms
Aggravating factors
Remitting factors
Procedure to use when dealing with a patient’s problems if there is an emotional component
Literacy performance levels
Below basic (1) (may have trouble matching information or identifying #s to use in math problems)
Basic (2): solve routine math problems, make simple inferences
Intermediate (3): summarize text, interpret instructions from OTC drug labels
Proficient (4): highest level, could calculate based on mg/kg
Health literacy screening tools
Research studies:
SAHLSA-50 (spanish/english)
TOFHLA (english/spanish)
Clinical assessments:
NVS (english/spanish)
SAHL-S&E (english/spanish)
Adherence Estimator
prospective assessment to determine the likelihood that patient will adhere to newly prescribed medication
single med
Morisky questionnaire
prospective assessment to measure adherence
multiple medications , available in several languages