Drug Box Quiz 10/2 Flashcards
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Brand Name)
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Class)
adrenergic, vasopressor, and inotropic agent
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Action)
produces positive inotropic and chronotropic effects; constrics systemic vasculature
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Indication)
cardiogenic / septic shock; hypotension; distributive shock
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Contraindication)
hypovolemic shock; pheochromocytoma; uncorrected tachydysrhythmias; VF
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Routes)
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Side Effects)
headache; anxiety; dyspnea; dysrhythmias; hypo-/hypertension; palpitations; CP; N/V
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Interactions)
incompatible with alkaline solutions; MAOIs will enhance effects
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Adult Dose)
5-20 mcg / kg / min
Dopamine Hydrochloride (Special Considerations)
Pregnancy class C; effects are dose dependent; extravasation may cause tissue necrosis