Drivers of Revolutionary Temper 1788-89 Flashcards
What were drivers of revolutionary temper in 1788 and 1789?
-Parisian 3rd estate
-Bourgeois (included in the 3rd estate)
- 2nd Estate
- Louis XVI
-Political agitators
When did the Estates General begin?
5 May 1789
How was Abbe Sieyes influential in agitating the third estat?
-Abbe sieyes was a third estate deputy
-He published the pamphlet what is the third estate
- Influential in the process of third estate voting 491 to 90 that they should call themselves the National Assembly on the 18th June
Who joined the 3rd estate in the National Assembly on the 19th June?
-The clergy, 1st estate.
When was the Tennis Court Oath?
-20 June 1789
What did Louis not accept on the 23 June 1789?
-The use of the term National Assembly instead of Estates General
on the 26 June 1789, how many extra troops did Louis order to Paris?
When did Louis accept the national assembly and what else did he accept
-27 June 1789
-voting by head
By 4 July 1789, how many troops were in Paris and were they all French soldiers?
-No many foreign mercenaries as Louis could not trust French soldiers
Why were tensions heightened for Parisians on the 11 and 14 July 1789?
-11: The King dismissed Necker, the Parisians favourite minister, which gave the impression he was going to go back on his reforms
-14: Bad harvest led to bread prices skyrocketing. highest since 1715
When was the storming of the Bastille?
-14 July 1789
What happened on the 12th and 13th July 1789 in the buildup to the storming of the Bastille?
-Parisian electors took over the hotel de ville and established the Paris Commune and the National Guard
How did the Parisians arm themselves?
- 8000 Parisians stormed the les invalides where 32,000 muskets and some artillery were found (useless without gunpowder) so they stormed the Bastille.
Why did the Parisians storm the Bastille?
-It was a symbol of repression - 7 prisoners by the lettre de cachet
-It housed gunpowder stores
How many people were killed in the storming of the Bastille?
-93 people killed
-70 Parisians killed
-marquis de lunay was killed and his head was paraded on a pike
-Mayor of Paris. Flesselles was also killed and was replaced by Bailly
What was the significance of the storming of the Bastille?
-King ordered the disperse of mercenaries and accepted the Paris Commune and the National Guard: led to deputies cheering “viva le roi” and praised Louis as the saviour
-July 17 met with and accepted Bailly- PC and Lafayette -NG
-Meant unrest spread to the provinces clear in the Great Fear as they thought change was imminent
When was the Great Fear?
17 July - 3 August 1789
What caused the Great Fear
-Storming of the Bastille gave the impression that change was imminent
-Rumours that brigands alligned with nobles were attacking grain convoys and stealing them
What were the actions of peasants during the Great Fear?
-Stole and sought their masters terriers(documents listing landowners feudal rights) and titres de ventres et devoirs (records of sales and obligations) - thought if these were destroyed then obligations were finished
-burnt down hedges, fences and grain barns
What places were not involved in the Great Fear?
What was the significance of the Great Fear?
-Led to the assembly creating the August Decrees on the 4th August 1789
Who drew up original plans for the August Decrees?
-Duc d’Aguillion and vicomte de Noailles
What did the August Decrees pass?
-All fedual dues to be abolished , with compensation
-exclusive rights to own pigeons abolished
-all seigneurial courts abolished
-all tithes and fees abolished
-abolished venality
-no payments to priests
-all citizens would pay the same in taxes
When was the Declaration of Rights of man issued?
-26 August 1789