Drills and Procedures Flashcards
AOM transmittal 24
Rejected Takeoff
(“I Wills”)
“I Will’s” for continued takeoff, rejected takeoff and ground incident
(AOM 1.04.02 P46 or 1.04.06 P1-2)
Ground Incident
Following rejected takeoff, emergency landing, or other ground incident:
- If an immediate evacuation is not required, I will PA, “Remain seated. Remain seated.”
- If urgent contact with the In-Charge is required, I will PA “In-Charge Flight Attendant call (or report to) the flight deck.”
- If an evacuation is required I will call, “Checklist, Passenger Evacuation.”
Engine Fire / Failure / Severe Damage / Separation at or above V1
(“I Wills”)
“I Wills” for engine fail, fire, or severe damage after V1
(AOM 1.02.10 P5-7 or 1.04.02 P47-48)
Engine Inoperative Cruise Driftdown
- “Disengage autothrottle, set max continuous thrust.”
- “Set Engine Out on ECON CRZ page.”
- Set driftdown altitude and speed
- Slow to driftdown speed and select LVL CHG.
- All exterior lights on
- Advise ATC
- “Checklist, Engine Failure”
Rapid Depressurization and Emergency Descent
(“I Wills”)
“I Wills “ for rapid depressurization and emergency descent
(AOM 1.02.10 P12-14 or 1.04.02 P49-50)
Trafffic Avoidance (TA)
- Look for traffic using trafic display as a guide. Call out any conflicting traffic.
- If trafic is sighted, maneuver if needed.
Note: Maneuvers based solely on a TA may result in reduced separation and are not recommended.
Traffic Avoidance (RA)
- If maneuvering is required, PF disengage autopilot and autothrottle. Smoothly adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy RA command. Follow lateral flight path unless visual contact with conflicting traffic
- PM verify actions and notify ATC “Air Canada XXX, TCAS RA.”
*If in landing configuration, set max thrust and call “Flaps 15.” Verify positive rate and call “Positive rate” “Gear up.”
*WARNING: do not follow DESCEND RA issued below 1000 ft AGL
Define “Upset”
Any time the airplane is diverting from the intended airplane state
- Pitch attitude greater than 25° nose up
- Pitch attitude greater than 10° nose down
- Bank angle greater than 45°
- Within pitch and bank parameters but flying at air speeds inappropriate for the conditions
Nose High Recovery
- Recognize and confirm the situation (nose high and increasing, airspeed decreasing rapidly)
- Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
- Apply up to full nose-down elevator and appropriate nose down stabilizer trim
- Reduce thrust
- Roll to obtain nose down pitch rate (45º to 60°), using small rudder input only if required
- Recover
a. Approaching the horizon, roll wings level
b. Check airspeed and adjust thrust
c. Establish pitch attitude
PM verifies required actions and calls out attitude, airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery.
Nose Low Recovery
- Recognize and confirm the situation (nose low and decreasing, airspeed rapidly increasing)
- Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
- Recover from stall, if required (nose down, reduce thrust)
- Roll in shortest direction to wings level (unload and roll if bank angle is more than 90°)
- Recover to level flight
a. Apply nose up elevator
b. Apply nose up trim, if required
c. Adjust thrust and drag as required
PM verifies required actions and calls out attitude, airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery
GPWS Warning
- “Firewall”
- Disengage autopilot
- Disengage autothrottle
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust
- Simultaneously roll wings level and pitch to 20° nose up
- Retract speedbrakes
- If terrain contact imminent, continue to pitch up to limit indicator, respecting stick shaker or buffet
- Leave gear and flap configuration until terrain separation assured
- Both pilots monitor RAD ALT, and PM calls out any trend toward terrain contact
- When clear of terrain, slowly decrease pitch, accelerate and assess
Approach to Stall or Stall Recovery
- “Stall”
- Hold the control column firmly
- Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
- Smoothly apply nose down elevator until buffet or stick shaker stops
- Roll in shortest direction to wings level
- Advance thrust levers as needed
- Retract speedbrakes
- Do not change gear or flap configuration EXCEPT during liftoff, if flaps are up, call “Flaps 1”
- Complete recovery
a. check airspeed and thrust
b. establish pitch
c. return to desired flight path - Re-engage autopilot and autothrottle if desired
Windshear Identification
Aural Warnings and Flight Path Deviations
Predictive Windshear Aural Warnings
Flight Path Deviations
* 15 KIAS
* 500 fpm vertical speed
* 5º pitch attitude
* 1 dot displacement from glideslope
* unusual thrust lever position for significant period of time
Windshear Escape Maneuver
Prior to V1, reject takeoff
After V1, perform Windshear Escape Maneuver
- “Windshear TOGA”
- Disengage autopilot
- Push TO/GA switch
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust
- Disengage autothrottle
- Roll wings level and rotate toward 15º pitch
- Retract speedbrakes
- Follow flight director
* Do not change flap or gear configuration until windshear is no longer a factor
* Maintain wing level to maximize climb gradient, unless a turn is required for obstacle clearance
* Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed until all windshear is no longer a factor
Low Energy Definition and Go-Around
All Engines Operating
Low-Energy Regime:
* Aircraft descending
* Thrust at or near idle
* Airspeed decreasing
* Height 50 ft or less above runway
Follow normal Go-Around procedure, expect ground contact, and ensure Vref prior to commencing climb.