DONTBOTHER S2 lecture 9 - graphs, research demonstration Flashcards
What is risk compensation?
People’s perceptions of safety influence their risk-taking. People take increased risks when using protective equipment, and reduce their risk-taking when protective equipment is absent.
What are histograms useful for?
Many statistical tests require data to be normally distributed, histograms help us to visualise our data to see if this assumption is correct.
What are box plots useful for?
Box plots show the interquartile range, the overall range (without outliers), and the median. If there are outliers, these are shown as dots/stars.
What are bar graphs useful for?
generally compare means of two or more conditions, a convenient way of showing mean differences. Each mean has an associated “error bar” that represents some measure of variation.
What are line graphs useful for?
Line graphs make sense when a within variable changes over time or position. Can have two or more lines to represent difference between conditions.
What are pie charts useful for?
Don’t use pie charts.
What are scatterplots useful for?
Bar graphs and others usually assume at least one of your variables is categorical, scatterplots are generally sued when you have two continuous variables.
How should you caption graphs in a report?
Graphs are known as figures and always come with informative captions explaining what they are showing. Your caption shouldn’t summarise the results but should make the figure understandable to anyone reading. Always refer to the caption within the main body of text.
What are tables useful for?
Can be an effective way of displaying complex information precisely. However, just displaying a couple of means might be an overkill. Always caption tables in report.