*(DONE/REDO IF TIME)* Chapter 6 - Lecture 7 Flashcards
ions (definition and two types)
- Charged atoms formed when electrons are added to or removed from a natural species
- simple ions and polyatomic ions
simple ions
- Charged species containing only one atom
polyatomic ions
- Charged species containing a group of atoms held together by strong bonds
cation (2)
- A positively charged ion
- Result of removing 1 or more electrons from a neutral species
anion (2)
- Negatively charged ion
- The result of a natural species gaining one or more electrons
- smallest unit of a substance
molecule (2)
- 2 or more atoms that function as a neutral unit
- behaves as an individual unit or particle that defines the substance
- more than one type of atom in the molecule
- h20, CO2, etc.
ionic compounds and electron characteristic
- Formed from combinations of anions and cations to give neutral species
- transfer electrons to bond
covalent compounds and electron characteristic
- formed from 2 or more non-metals
- share electrons to bond
air (definition and 5 components)
- mixture of elements and compounds
- nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour
at normal atmospheric pressure and room temperature… (3)
- Majority of elements are solids
- 11 are gasses
- 2 are liquids
- the different structural forms of an element
- example: carbon; diamond, graphite, soot, etc
Who made the periodic table? Who updated it?
- Mendelev
- Henry Moseley
Metals (3)
- lustre
- thermal and electrical conductivity
- malleability
non metals
- absence of metallic properies
- properties intermediate between those of metals and non metals
electron location, movement, and velocity
- outside nucleus
- moves rapidly in a volume that describes the size of the atom
- The greater the velocity of an electron, the higher its energy and the further it can move away from the nucleus
what does it mean that electron energy is quantized?
- the energy of an electron is restricted to a certain set of values; therefore, only certain orbits are allowed
explain the quantum mechanics model (5)
- The electron does not travel in a circular orbit
- We cannot say where it is at any time but WE can describe the probability of finding it in a defined region
- Energy determines its behaviour about the nucleus
- Energy is quantized (it can only have specific energies)
- Electrons can only have certain specific behaviour
electron shells (3)
- the main energy levels
- electrons in the same shell have the same approximate energy and travel abilities
- Max 2n^2 electrons per shell
When n (electron shell number) increases… (2)
- Average energy of shell increases
- Distance from the nucleus increases
electron subshells (4)
- energy sublevels within an electron shell
- all electrons in the same subshell have the same energy
- # of subshells in a shell= shell number
- labelled by value of n and by letter of specific shell
(s, p , d, f, g)
describe the difference between 1 electron systems and multi electron systems
- 1 electron: subshells within the same shell have the same energy
- multi electron: subshells within the same shell have different energy (s<p></p>
energy orbitals
- define
- relate to subshells (2)
- maximum e in each orbital.
- the larger the n…
- Region of space around a nucleus where an electron with a specific energy are most likely to be found
- Have the same energy as the same subshell
- shape and size related to type of subshell
- maximum of 2 electrons in one orbital
- the larger the n, the larger the orbital and energy
number of electrons in each shell
2, 8, 18, 32, 50
max number of electrons in each subshell
s: 2
p: 6
d: 10
f: 14
g: 18
orbital shapes
s: spherical
p: two lobes with 3 different spatial orientations
d: 4 lobes with 5 different spatial orientations/
f: has 7 different spatial orientations
number of orbitals in each subshell
s: 1
p: 3
d: 5
f: 7
g: 9
aufbau building up principle and hunds rule combined
- electrons fill a set of degenerate orbitals, with one electron in each orbital, all with the same spin, before electrons pair up in an orbital with opposite spins
pauli exclusion principle
- two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins
orbital diagram
- show the electron occupancy of each individual nucleus with arrows to represent electrons