DONE: Disorders: Cerebral Vascular Accident Flashcards
Observe the patient for an allergic reaction to the contrast dye.
Instruct the patient to be still during this procedure.
These nursing interventions are required to screen for contraindications to what diagnostic procedure?
CT Scan
Before the test:
The nurse will assess neurological status > This will need to be evaluated BEFORE and AFTER the procedure.
Cerebral Angiogram
Repositioning: Q 2hour
The patient can be turned from side to side. Don’t neglect to turn them to their affected side.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Post-Acute Phase
REMEMBER: 2 hours is the max amount of time that a patient should be left without movement.
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Impaired Verbal Communication R/T
Left-sided CVA affects language so if the ______ area is damaged there is going be receptive aphasia which means they can’t understand when you talk to them.
What 5 diagnostic tests are used to diagnose a stroke?
MRI CT Scan Brain Scan Lumbar Puncture Neurological Assessment
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Impaired Swallowing R/T
This type of stroke occurs when there is not adequate blood flow to the brain from either partial or complete occlusion of an artery. What type of stroke is this?
Ischemic Stroke
Study Tip: These account for 80% of all strokes.
RePosition to improve venous drainage from the head, the head of the bed needs to be at 15-30 degrees; maintain head and neck alignment- their head should be facing straight, do not have the head turned to the right or the left because it compresses the vessels in the neck which makes it more difficult for Venous drainage to occur
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
Left sided weakness
Perceptual defects
-Vulnerable to accidents
These are clinical manifestations of what neurological disorder?
Right - Sided CVA
This test involves a series of digital computer pictures that are taken by the brain after a contrast dye is injected into the cerebral arteries. Cerebral blood flow is studied by the doctor. What is the name of this diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
Stand in front of the patient so they can see you
Speak clearly and slowly
If you are a woman you need to decrease the pitch in your voice
Don’t shout
These nursing interventions are implemented for what non-pharmacological treatment of aphasia?
Study Tip: The nurse can do this to increase the quality of communication with the patient.
What 6 medications can you administer during the acute phase of a CVA?
Diuretics Anticoagulants Antiplatelets Antihypertensives Anticonvulsives Corticosteroids
Study Tip: D4AnC in my Pants!
Homonymous Hemianopsia patient’s don’t even know that there is food on the left side of their plate because the patient cannot see the food. The patient will not even eat the food because they do not know it’s there so you will have to remind the patient to turn their plate once they finish eating one side of the plate.
This is an example of a disorder associated with what phase of a CVA?
Chronic Phase
What are the 6 REVERSIBLE risk factors for a stroke?
- Smoking
- High salt intake
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- High stress
- Oral birth control
Study Tip: SHO SHO for Stro! > REVERSIBLE
The patient is found to have a pacemaker during pre-screening.
This nursing interventions is required to screen for contraindications to what diagnostic procedure?
This type of stroke is caused by a blood clot that has become lodged in an artery going to the brain. What type of stroke is this?
Thrombotic stroke
Study Tip: These account for 60% of strokes. This type of stroke occurs when a clot forms in the artery which feeds the brain.
A patient with this disorders plate has a metal guard attached to it so the food doesn’t fall of the plate and they could use the plate guard as a backboard to scoop food on to the fork using the guard.
This is an example of what type of disorder associated with the chronic phase of a CVA?
Neglect Syndrome
Impairments or clumsiness and the uttering of words due to diseases that effect the oral, lingual, or pharyngeal muscles. The patient’s speech maybe difficult to understand but there’s no evidence of aphasia. What word does this define?
This type of stroke is caused by a ruptured blood vessel that allows blood to seep into the brain. This occurs when there is bleeding in the brain itself, in subarachnoid space, or in the ventricles. What type of stroke is this?
Hemorrhagic stroke
Study Tip: This accounts for 15% of strokes.
This diagnostic test takes virtual slices or thin cross section of body parts to detect problems such as hemorrhage and contrast can be used to enhance visualization of brain structures. What is the name of this diagnostic test?
CT scan
Clinical Manifestations: Paralysis on one side Numbness Language difficulty Visual disturbances Dysarthria Ataxia of Speech What type of stroke did this patient have?
Embolic Stroke
Decrease risk for stroke in ______ diabetics when these patients eat low sugar, dark chocolate.
type 2 diabetics
This type of stroke is caused by a subarachnoid hemorrhage. This occurs when there is intracranial bleeding into the cerebral spinal fluid space in between the arachnoid and pia mater membranes on the surface of the brain. What type of stroke does this patient have?
Hemorrhagic stroke
Study Tip: This is common in a patient with a rupture of an aneurysm.
Assess for contraindications to contrast media, allergies to shellfish, iodine, and dyes.
This nursing intervention is required to screen for contraindications to what diagnostic procedure?
CT Scan
Contrast dye is injected into the cerebral arteries circulation via femoral catheter.
A dye is injected from a catheter through the femoral artery, guided into the carotid vertebral artery and then the dye is injected and then they take the pictures for the Dr. to analyze.
What is the name of this diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
The patient needs to be aware that they will have to lay still for at least an hour and they may have to be medicated.
The nurse will have to assess if the patient is going to have difficulty with that.
These nursing interventions are required to screen for contraindications to what diagnostic procedure?
IMPORTANT: These patients will NOT use this diagnostic test the nurse must notify the Dr that an alternate diagnostic test must be ordered.
Check for allergies to iodine, shellfish, and previous responses to exposures to dyes
The patient must remove all jewelry and hairpins before they go to this procedure.
These nursing interventions are required to screen for contraindications for what diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
Use non-verbal communication; touching, smiling, showing them objects, gestures, use boards that have pictures of activities like going to the bathroom, toilets, clothing eating dressing
These nursing interventions are implemented for what non-pharmacological treatment of aphasia?
The nurse can do this to increase the quality of communication with the patient.
After this test:
The nurse must monitor the LOC BEFORE and after.
Observe the puncture site for hematoma formation.
The patient will be on bed rest for at least ______hours or longer after this procedure.
These nursing interventions are related to what diagnostic procedure?
4-6 hours
Cerebral Angiogram
If the _____ side of the brain is damaged during a stroke it will affect the right side of the body and vice versa and sometimes it may only be a part of the one side.
Study Tip: This is IMPORTANT!!
Assess LOC
- Monitor LOC
- Monitor pupillary response
- Monitor motor response
- Assess Glasgow coma scale
During assessment the environment should be quiet, don’t want the room to be too hot.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
The nurse must watch the ______ -sided CVA patients because they are more impulsive.
Left-sided CVA affects language so if the ________ area is damaged they have trouble with expressive aphasia so they can understand but they can’t respond or tell you what they want to say
REMEMBER: If the left side of the brain is damaged then that means that the right side of the body will be affected.
Left Side CVA Right Side CVA
Right side hemiplegia /total paralysis or weakness Left side hemiplegia
Impaired right/left discrimination Left side neglect
Impaired speech aphasias Spatial perceptual deficits
Aware of deficits Deny/minimize problems/
Unaware of deficits ex. May stand before correctly placing their feet to stand.
Cautious/slow performance Rapid performance/short attention spans
Anxiety Impulsive
Depression Impaired judgment
Impaired language/math comprehension Impaired time concepts
The patient cannot understand written or oral communication. The patient cannot interpret what you are saying. The nurse should not yell or raise their voice at the patient because the information coming in doesn’t make any sense so they will not understand you no matter what tone you use. What type of aphasia is this? What is not working in the brain?
Receptive Aphasia / Sensory
Wernicke’s Area
The nurse should use therapeutic communication.
The nurse will want to immediately report a change in respiratory status to the Doctor.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
Study Tip: Thorough assessment is crucial.
Expressive aphasia differs from _______, which is typified by a patient’s inability to properly move the muscles of the tongue and mouth to produce speech.
The nurse should practice saying words with the patient. Ex. yes, no, please
This nursing intervention is implemented for treatment of what type of aphasia?
What is not working in the brain?
Expressive Aphasia
Broca’s Area
Most aphasias are _______ this is the most common aphasia and it combines the motor and the sensory aspects of speech rarely is it just sensory or motor.
Right sided weakness
These are clinical manifestations of what neurological disorder?
Left - Sided CVA
Remember to listen carefully, try to understand and be patient because it can be frustrating on both sides to the nurse and the patient; involve the family so they can help to improve communication and deal with communication issue; and it will let the patient know that you care
These nursing interventions are implemented for what non-pharmacological treatment of aphasia?
What are the 5 PARTIALLY REVERSIBLE risk factors for a stroke?
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Dysrhythmias
- Blood Pressure > Elevated
- Cholesterol > Elevated
- Cardiac Valve Disease
Double D’s + Big ChiChi’s = Chinese Venereal Disease
The nurse does not want to give ______ IVF during a stroke because we don’t want to increase edema in the brain.
Hypotonic fluids
Study Tip: These IVF will pull fluids out of the interstitial into the brain cells causing swelling. This will increase intracranial pressure.
Assessment: Temporary vision loss Vertigo Confusion Transient hemiparesis These are clinical manifestations of what neurological disorder?
TIA - Transient Ischemic Attack
What are the 3 common causes of a stroke?
Thrombus > formed in the cerebral circulation
Embolus > blocking a vessel after breaking from a thrombi
Cerebral Hemorrhage > caused by tissue damage/injury
What is a common pupillary abnormality that occurs after a stroke?
Homonymous Hemanopsia.
The patient can only see half of everything.
After the test:
The nurse will assess neurological status > This will need to be evaluated BEFORE and AFTER the procedure.
Cerebral Angiogram
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Ineffective Tissue Perfusion (cerebral)R/T
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Impaired Urinary Elimination R/T
Clinical Manifestations: Headache Decrease level of consciousness Nausea Vomiting Neck pain Intolerance to noise and light What type of stroke does this patient have?
Hemorrhagic stroke
Study Tip: This is common in a patient with a rupture of an aneurysm in the brain.
IVF: Give as Ordered > Hypertonic Fluids
Monitor Fluid/Electrolytes Levels
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
This patient is demonstrating lost postural stability with the left side being affected; they are unable to sit up right, they tend to fall sideways, and we would to position the person with pillows to help them sit up correctly and for support.
This is an example of what type of disorder associated with the chronic phase of a CVA?
Neglect Syndrome
After this test:
The nurse will NOT be able to raise the head of the bed that much because we are trying to avoid any flexing of the hip joint by the incision site which can lead to arterial hemorrhage.
This nursing intervention is related to what diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
Study Tip: The HOB MUST BE ELEVATED TO 30-45%!
More public service announcements existing patients with posters and billboards about what a stroke looks so that it will increase the number of people calling 911 as soon as they notice the symptoms. Remember the sooner they are treated with _______ the better chance of recovery.
Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
What are the 7 priority Nursing Goals during Management of a Stroke?
Airway/Oxygenation Decreased ICP Nutrition Preserve function Rehabilitation Safety Education
Bowel Care
Express Feelings about role changes
Assistive Devices to help enhance their independence
These are collaborative nursing interventions that are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Chronic Phase
Hypotonia > Hypertonia Defects
These are clinical manifestations of what neurological disorder?
CVA - Stroke
Metal parts in their body like a rods, pins, screws, plates; the magnet is so strong that it can pull those parts so no one with metal parts in their body will be able to have this diagnostic procedure done.
These nursing interventions are required to screen for contraindications to what diagnostic procedure?
Only 3.4-5.2 % of patients actually get treated with the ____. This is not good, we need to educate nurses to increase those numbers so that the patients will begin coming in sooner.
Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Ineffective Airway Clearance R/T
ASK ARBOGAST? Skin Care Oral Care Eye care Hygiene Passive Range Of Motion ThromboEmbolic Disorder Hose Sequential Compression Devices These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Post-Acute Phase
Study Tip:
Skin Care > Q 2 Hr Positioning / Don’t Neglect Affected Side
Oral Care > Lack of Control / Suctioning PRN
Eye care > Drooping / Dry / Crusty Eye
Hygiene > IMPORTANT WHY???
Passive Range Of Motion > prevents Contractures
TED Hose > prevents DVTs
SCDs > prevents DVT’s
Assess if the Gag reflex has returned before the nurse starts a feeding to prevent aspiration.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Post-Acute Phase
Define Hemianopsia?
This is a blindness or reduction in vision in one half of the visual field
What are are the 4 NON-REVERSIBLE risk factors for a stroke?
- Sex
- Hereditary
- Age
- Race
Study Tip: SHAR
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Unilateral Neglect R/T
Remember that with tube feedings we need to raise the head of the bed to at least ____ degrees to prevent ______ when they are eating we need to give them soft or semisoft foods and fluids rather than liquids because liquids are more difficult to swallow correctly because the tongue can’t control liquid as well so they will have an higher risk.
If they are eating food you want them sitting high up on the bed or in a chair and their head and neck should be positioned slightly forward and flexed when we flex the chin forward that closes the airway.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Post-Acute Phase
Neglect Syndrome Occurs during what phase of a CVA?
Chronic Phase
Daily drinking of diet soda is associated with vascular risk factors; the research found a link between diet soda and increase _________ risk.
Ischemic Stroke
Define Neglect Syndrome?
Neglect syndrome usually happens to patients that have had a CVA because to them the left or right side depending on what side of the brain is affected does NOT even exist to this patient.
This medication is given via IV to reestablish blood flow through the blocked artery and to prevent cell death in patients with the acute onset of ischemic stroke.
Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
A patient is using adaptive silverware.
This is an example of what type of disorder associated with the chronic phase of a CVA?
Neglect Syndrome
ASK ARBOGAST? Situational Low Self-Esteem will probably affect the person with the _____ sided CVA more than the ____ sided CVA.
Wernicke’s Vs. Broca’s???
After this test:
The nurse must check for pedal pulses at first every ____ minutes and then the amount of time between assessments increases as time goes on and the patient maintains stability and then it becomes regimented.
This nursing intervention is related to what diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
Expressive aphasia differs from _______ which is a motor disorder characterized by the inability to create and sequence motor plans for speech.
Apraxia of Speech
Maintain a patent airway Give O2 > as ordered Monitor Vital Signs Prevent Hyperthermia Prevent Hypothermia Monitor Blood Pressure Maintain cerebral perfusion These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
Study Tip: Prevent hyperthermia and hypothermia because both of these conditions will increase the metabolic rate of O2/Oxygen usage and cause rapid depletion.
The nurse would want to give HYPERTONIC fluids during what phase of the stroke?
Study Tip: These IVF will pull fluids into the vasculature and increase blood flow to the brain to increase cerebral circulation. These fluids can also pull fluid from the brain cells decreasing intracranial pressure.
Studies have shown that the use of _______ IVF lead to a better outcome because it’s pulling fluid off of the brain decreasing ICP.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
Define Homonymous Hemianopsia?
This occurs when the patient has blindness in the same visual field in both eyes.
Why is it very important that the 3-6 hour window is met when giving tPA?
Because if this medication is given later then that the benefits of tPA are outweighed by the risks because new blood vessels are already forming and those new blood vessels are very fragile which the tPA will break through those new blood vessels and cause bleeding in the brain.
Studies show there is a moderate increase in vascular abnormalities including cerebral ________ in patient’s taking NSAIDs, so this places them at a higher risk for developing a CVA.
PT / Physical Therapy
OT / Occupational Therapy
ST / Speech Therapy
Dietary: Increased Fluids & Increased Fiber Intake
These are collaborative nursing interventions that are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Chronic Phase
Study Tip: Speech therapy helps with language and feeding.
Screening for a patient with a stroke will include a ______ used during the CT scan to rule out a hemorrhagic stroke. They will use this dye because if they use another type of dye it will look like blood is on the film.
Non-contrast dye
If there is no _____ assessed on the diagnostic films after a stroke then the tPA medication can be given, it does NOT mean that there wasn’t a stroke it just means that there was no bleeding.
Once the ischemic stroke patient is at a place where they can be maintained and stabilized they can be given one or a combination of what 6 medications?
Clopidogrel / Plavix Anticoagulants Platelet Inhibitors > clot prevention & platelet aggregation prevention Warfarin / Coumadin Aspirin Heparin Sodium
Study Tip: CAPWAH > KARATE to increase oxygen to the brain!
An analysis of over 8,000 people showed that every increased intake of 1,000 mg per day of _______ in the patient’s normal diet decreases their risk of stroke by 11%.
Suctioning with Caution
ICP monitoring for at least 72 hours
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
A study shows that in patient’s with an increased intake of _______ had a decrease risk for stroke.
olive oil
This type of stroke is caused by a moving clot that gets lodged in a smaller artery which causes a disruption of blood flow to the brain. What type of stroke is this?
Embolic stroke
Study Tip: These account for 24% of strokes.
This patient DOES NOT have the inability to speak and write, but they can understand what you are saying. What type of aphasia is this? What is not working in the brain?
Broca’s Area
Frontal Lobe
Study Tip: Expressive Aphasia, Broca’s Aphasia, and Motor Aphasia are ALL the same thing.
This occurs when there is ischemia, hemorrhage, or inadequate blood flow to part of the brain so it can be an ischemic or hemorrhagic attack both result in death of brain cells.
Brain Attack/Stroke/CVA
Study Tip: This is called a brain attack to make a patient go see the Dr the same as the thought of a heart attack.
Before the test the patient needs to be well hydrated, the nurse needs to make sure the kidneys are working well because they are going to have to eliminate the dye, and the nurse needs to educate the patient that they have to remain very still during the procedure, and they might feel warmth in the face and mouth and have a metallic taste.
These nursing interventions are required to screen for contraindications for what diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
Urine Care: Insert a foley to drain urine. Bowel Care: Prevent constipation. These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
If people are more aware of the symptoms of a stroke then they are more likely to call _________ when they begin to notice this symptoms manifesting.
This implements the use of magnetic energy to view the images and structures of the body.
What is the name of this diagnostic procedure?
After this test when the patient comes back you will assess for neurological status, one of the complications of this test is that it can alter the blood flow to the cerebrums.
What is the name of this diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
Don’t speak loudly
Be patient and give them time to respond; don’t ramble on from one thing to another
Repeat the name of familiar objects; toothbrush, shoes, fork plate
These nursing interventions are implemented for what non-pharmacological treatment of aphasia?
The nurse can do this to increase the quality of communication with the patient.
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Situational Low Self-Esteem R/T
The nurse will monitor for food pocketing on the affected side of the patient’s mouth and if the patient has to be fed you want to put the food on the side of their mouth that is not affected by the CVA.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Post-Acute Phase
Study Tip: If they pocket food and it hasn’t been removed from their cheeks, when the patient is back in bed, they can aspirate the remaining food and block their airway.
Neglect Syndrome Occurs during what phase of a CVA?
Chronic Phase
This type of stroke is caused by intracerebral hemorrhaging which is bleeding in the brain that is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel. The prognosis for this type of stroke is very poor > DEATH. What type of stroke is this?
Hemorrhagic stroke
ASK ARBOGAST? Be careful with diabetic patients because some of the oral anti-diabetic medications and hypoglycemic medications should not be given when they are going to be given the contrast/non-contrast??? dye because it can cause renal failure.
These nursing interventions are required to screen for contraindications to what diagnostic procedure?
CT Scan
Finish the Nursing Diagnoses related to Stroke?
Impaired Physical Mobility R/T
There has been no proven link between blood type and increased risk for stroke but Blood type AB and Blood type B are slightly more likely to have ___________.
Ischemic Stroke
The treatment for _______ is thrombolysis.
Ischemic Stroke
This medication can be administered within 3 - 6 hours of the onset of the clinical signs of a stroke and have a higher rate of positive outcomes.
Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Prevent hypothermia during the acute phase of a CVA by using ________ to prevent shivering because it will increase O2 usage and cause rapid metabolic depletion of oxygen.
Prevent hyperthermia during the acute phase of a CVA by using ________ to prevent sweating because it will increase metabolic rate and O2 usage and cause rapid depletion of oxygen.
Ice packs
A tangle of blood vessels should not be showing on this film. This is a BAD sign. This shows a weakened area that could be susceptible to stroke formation where the arteries and veins come together.
What is the name of this diagnostic procedure?
Cerebral Angiogram
If ______ medication is given later than 3-6 hrs after an ischemic CVA the benefits of it’s use are outweighed by the risks because after this time range new blood vessels are already forming to create collateral circulation and these newly formed blood vessels are very fragile. This medication will burst the walls of the new blood vessels and cause bleeding in the brain which will increase intracranial pressure which can lead to a ______ stroke. This is an example what ethical principle in nursing?
Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Hemorrhagic Stroke
In a hemorrhagic stroke increased ICP is more common and this level peaks in 72 hours and can cause brain herniation.
These nursing interventions are implemented during what phase of a CVA?
Acute Phase
Study Tip: ICP monitoring will happen in ICU.
NEVER suction for more than ______ in a patient with a CVA because it can increase ICP.
10 Seconds
The nurse will need to educate the patient to reduce straining upon defecation by using stool softeners to decrease the patient’s _________.
Study Tip: REMEMBER straining while defecating increases ICP.