DONE: Cranial Nerves I-XII Flashcards
What is the BEST Mnemonic to remember the cranial nerves in order?
Olaf Opened Oceanfront Tractors Triggering Abducens Facing Academic Glaring Vacationing Spider Hypnotists
What is the Harry Potter Mnemonic to remember the cranial nerves in order?
Oh, Oh, Oh, They Traveled And Found Voldemort Guarding Very Secret & Ancient Horcruxes
What is the Dirty Mnemonic to remember the cranial nerves in order?
Oh, Oh, Oh To Touch And Feel A Girls Vagina Ah Heaven
List the 12 cranial nerves in order?
- Olfactory / Smell
- Optic / Sight
- Occulomotor / Constriction / Eye Movement > Motor
- Trochlear / Eye Movement
- Trigeminal / Facial Sensations
- Abducens /
- Facial /
- Acoustic /
- Glossopharyngeal /
- Vagus Nerve /
- Spinal Nerve /
- Hypoglossal Nerve /
How many cranial nerves does the human body have?
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves so that means there are 24 total cranial nerves.
What is the mnemonic to remember which of the nerves are Sensory, Motor, or Both in order?
- Some - SENSORY
- Marry - Motor
- Money - Motor
- But - BOTH
- My - Motor
- Brother - BOTH
- Says - SENSORY
- Bad - BOTH
- Business - BOTH
- Marry - Motor
- Money - Motor
Allow the patient to wear their glasses during this test.
The nurse can also test this cranial nerve by allowing the patient to read a book.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve II – Optic
Rationale: Allow the patient to wear their glasses because you are not testing their vision that is controlled by the lens. You are testing the nerve.
Assess this nerve by poking the face with something sharp and then something dull with the patients eyes closed.
Then have the patient tell you where you placed the item and whether it was sharp or dull.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve V – Trigeminal
This is the sensory nerve that allows us to see.
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve II – Optic
Checking the Gag Reflex
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Glosspharygeal - IX and Vagus - X Nerves
Stroke symptoms affect what 2 cranial nerves?
Cranial Nerve IX - Glosspharygeal
Cranial Nerve X Nerve - Vagus
Study Tip: This is IMPORTANT!
Have the patient stick out their tongue.
If the tongue deviates to one side then there is a problem with the nerve.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve XII – Hypoglossal
The nurse will test this nerve with the Snellen Chart for measuring visual acuity.
Test each eye separately and then test both eyes together.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve II – Optic
This is the motor nerve that allows the eyes to move.
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve III – Occulomotor
ASK ARBOGAST? This is a motor nerve that innervates striated muscles in the soft palate, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus; its spinal trunk continues down the neck to innervate the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.NOT DISCUSSED?
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve XI- Spinal Accessory
Have the patient cover one ear while you whisper and repeat to the nurse what was said.
Rub fingers together. NOT DISCUSSED?
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve VIII – Acoustic
Assess the corneal reflex with a cotton whisp to the open eye.
DO NOT use this assessment on an alert and oriented patient.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve V – Trigeminal
This is the sensory nerve that gives us our sense of smell.
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve I – Olfactory
The ______ of sensory tract and motor tract allows us to feel the things around us and conduct a motor response. Not all nerves have both sensory and motor components, some have ONLY sensory functions and some have ONLY motor functions.
This is the sensory nerve that allows us to hear. This nerve also innervates 1/3 of the posterior tongue with taste sensations. What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve VIII – Acoustic
This is called the _______ because it has three branches. The_______ branch innervates the eyes, forehead, and nose area of the face, the _______ branch innervates the upper lip, nose, and temples area of the face and the ______ branch innervates the bottom lip and chin areas of the face.
Cranial Nerve V – Trigeminal Nerve
Study Tip: At the dentist they inject the anesthetic to affect the mandibular and maxillary branches of these nerves. The eye muscles can become numb as well if the medication can affects the branches of this nerve accidentally because of this branching system which will cause the muscles around your eye to be affected by the local anesthesia because of this nerve being affected.
This is the motor nerve that controls the tongue muscles.
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve XII – Hypoglossal
Which lobe in the brain is integrating with Cranial Nerve II so that the patient can tell you what they are seeing?
The Occipital Lobe
Rationale: Cranial Nerve II – Optic
This is the sensory and motor nerve that allows the facial muscles to make facial expressions.
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve VII– Facial
Occulomotor/Motor/ Eyeball Movement/Pupil Constriction/ Opens Eyelid
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial nerves III
Abducens/Motor/Eyeball Movement
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve VI
Left side of the face does not react like the _____ side. This causes paralysis of Cranial nerve ______ which usually affects only one side of the face. This occurs usually after a _____ infection. You can regain your function but you will never be 100% function. This is commonly misdiagnosed as a ______.
This indicates that your patient has what disorder?
Cranial Nerve VII/Facial
Bell’s Palsy
Assess Equilibrium > Have the patient close their eyes while you are standing.
Assess Taste > Have the patient taste something.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve VIII – Acoustic
ASK ARBOGAST? This is the sensory and motor nerve that NOT DISCUSSED?
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve IV – Glossopharyngeal
This is the sensory and motor nerve that NOT DISCUSSED?
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve X – Vagus
Have the patient shrug their shoulders then assess if the strength is equal on both sides.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve XI- Spinal Accessory
Cannot close the eye completely.
Cannot wrinkle forehead.
Cannot squint.
Facial Drooping
Cannot Smile
Admitted as Rule/Out Stroke and sent home to allow function to return.
This indicates that your patient has what disorder?
Bell’s Palsy
This is a sensory nerve because it innervates 2/3 of the anterior tongue with taste sensations. This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve VII– Facial
Assessing pupil constriction with the penlight.
Assess pupil dilation and constriction.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve III – Occulomotor
Assess this nerve by putting a whisp of cotton on the patients face with their eyes closed and have the patient tell you where you placed it.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve V – Trigeminal
Bell’s Palsy is an abnormality of one of which nerve which causes paralysis of one side of the face?
Cranial Nerve VII– Facial
The _________ nerve is telling you that you are hearing something and the ________ helps you understand and translate what you are hearing.
Cranial Nerve VIII – Acoustic
Wernicke’s area
Have the patient smile.
Have the patient puff up their cheeks.
Have the patient taste something and tell the nurse what it is
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve VII– Facial
Trochlear/Motor/Eyeball Movement
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve IV
This is the sensory and motor nerve that allows us to chew because this nerve controls the muscles of mastication. This nerves senses physical stimulation to the face and in the eye.
What cranial nerve does this indicate?
Cranial Nerve V – Trigeminal
Test each nostril separately.
Give the patient something to smell.
EX. Coffee, alcohol pad, and orange.
This is how the nurse assesses what cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve I – Olfactory
_______ is a disorder of this cranial nerve which causes very painful spasms of the lips, gums, cheek and chin. This is a common diagnosis. What cranial nerve is affected?
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Cranial Nerve V – Trigeminal
Cranial nerves _______, ______, and ______ are always tested together because it allows you to make sure their eyes are moving congruently, following the gaze, and that the patient doesn’t have nystagmus. This is tested by having the patient follow your finger with their eyes.
Cranial Nerves III, IV, and VI
What nerve innervates Wernicke’s area of the Temporal Lobe of the brain to allow the person to understand what they are hearing to determine the cause of the sound?
Cranial Nerve VIII – Acoustic
Which lobe in the brain is integrating with what Cranial Nerve so that the patient can tell you what they are hearing?
Temporal Lobe is utilizing Wernicke’s Area via the
Acoustic Nerve - Cranial Nerve VIII