Dogfish Flashcards
projects anteriorly, protects pre cerebral cavity
lateral to base of rostrum
nasal capsule
paired openings on surface of nasal capsules
dorsal support for eyes
ant orbital process, supraorbital crest, postorbital process
supports eyeball, rooted to anterior trigeminal foramen
optic pedicle
largest opening in medial orbit wall
optic foramen
posteroventral eye support
basitrabecular process
several openings in orbital crest
superficial ophthalmic foramina
house inner ears
otic capsule
wide, flat, ventral part of otic capsules
basal plate
large medial opening in occipital region
foramen magnum
on either side of foramen magnum, articulate with first vertebra
occipital condyle
the most anterior arches, highly modified for jaw articulation
mandibular arch, hyoid arch
support interbranchial septa, lie between pharyngeal slits
branchial arches
upper jaw, articulates with chondrocranium, has two dorsal projections
palatoquadrate cartilage
anterior dorsal projection of palatoquadrate cartilage
orbital process
posterior dorsal projection of palatoquadrate cartilage
adductor mandibulae process
lower jaw
Meckel’s cartilage
dorsal segment of hyoid arch
articulates ventrally with hyomandibular
articulates ventrally with ceratohyals
the pharyngeal slits in dorsal to ventral order
pharyngobranchial, epibranchial, ceratobranchial
ventral completion of branchial arches
hypobranchial, basibranchial
inward projections of branchial arches
gill raker
thin, outward projections of branchial arches
gill ray
large, proximal base of fin (not caudal)
basal pterygiophore
series more distally from basal pterygiophore
radial pterygiophores
fibrous dermal rays
anchored anteriorly to basal pterygiophores
fin spine
ventral part of pectoral girdle
coracoid bar
dorsal portion (past fins) of pectoral girdle
scapular process
dorsal pectoral girdle
suprascapular cartilage
area of pectoral girdle that associates with fin
glenoid surface
single element of pelvic girdle
puboischiadic bar
area of articulation with pelvic fin
acetabular surface
projection of male pelvic fin associated with reproduction
hourglass shaped vertebral column, houses notochord
forms neural canal
neural arch
tips of neural plates that form a low ridge
neural spine
side projections coming off of centrum
projections of basopophysis
plate of cartilage formed on ventral side of centrum
hemal arch
space for dorsal artery and ventral vein
hemal canal
blind-ended chamber opened through the nares
olfactory sac
lies on either side of the mouth
labial pocket
flap separating labial pocket and mouth
labial fold
large opening into pharynx posterior to each eye
fold of tissue on anterior wall of spiracle
spiracular valve
reduced gill on posterior surface of spiracular valve
separations between external pharyngeal slits
interbranchial septa
structures injected with red latex that make up the gills
gill lamellae
chamber into which the urinary, digestive, and reproductive tracts exit
cone-like structure lying in male cloaca at the tip of which open the urinary and genital ducts
urogenital papilla
cone-like structure in female cloaca at the tip of which opens the urinary duct
urinary papilla
opening anterior to papilla, exit of digestive tract
lie to either posterolateral side of the cloaca
abdominal pores
pale line just dorsal to mid lateral plane
lateral line
lie dorsally on head between spiracles, openings from balancing apparatus located in otic capsule of chondocranium
endolymphatic pores
numerous pores all over head, when squeezed secrete gel-like substance, used for electroreception
ampullae of lorenzini
dorsal musculature
Epaxial mm.
ventral musculature
hypaxial mm.
connective tissue sheet dividing hypaxial and epaxial mm.
horizontal skeletogenous septum
connective tissue dividing left and right myomeres midventrally
linea alba
lies on dorsal surface of pectoral fin
pectoral abductor m.
lies on ventral surface of pectoral fin
pectoral adductor m.
musculature of anterior wall of spiracular valve
spiracularis m.
muscle anterior to spiracularis
levator palaquadrati m.
muscle that lies posterior to spiracle extending from otic capsule to hyomandibular, raises hyomandibular during jaw closing
levator hyomandibulae m.
just posterior to angle of mouth, extends between upper and lower jaws, closes the mouth
adductor mandibulae m.
lie between adductor mandibular m. and first pharyngeal slit
dorsal and ventral hyoid constrictor mm.
muscles beween pharyngeal slits
dorsal and ventral superficial branchial constrictor mm.
triangular muscle, lies dorsal to constrictors
cucullaris m.
lies dorsal to cucullaris m.
epibranchial mm.
lies between halves of Meckel’s cartilages, composed of left and right halves that fan outward
intermandibularis m.
extends between cartilages of ceratohyals, adheres tightly to intermandibularis
interhyoideus m.
septum between post and pretrematic gill lamellae, has curved fibres, lies lateral to superficial constrictor muscles
interbranchial m.
pre hyoid group of hypobranchial musculature, long, mid ventral, cylindrical muscle exposed on reflection of interhyoideus and intermandibularis
coracomandibular m.
deep to coracomandibular, post hyoid group of hypobranchials, elongated and paired
coracohyoid m.
continuous from posterior end of coracohyoid, lie medially between ventral superficial constrictors and anterior to hypaxial mm.
coracoarcual m.
a series of five muscles that fan out from the coracoid bar, coracoarcuals and was of pericardial cavity to cerato- and basibranchial cartilages
coracobranchial m.
floor of oral cavity
primary tongue
posterior body cavity
Pleuroperitoneal cavity
division between pericardial and pleuroperitoneal cavities, lies near pectoral girdle
transverse septum
epithelium that lines the body cavity
parietal paritoneum
epithelium covering organs
visceral peritoneum
occupies most of anterior pleuroperitoneal cavity, has right, left, and median lobes
extends along the right margin of the medial lobe of the liver
gall bladder
dorsal to the liver, extending anteriorly
finger-like projections of esophagus
main part of the stomach
smaller, narrower, posterior part of the stomach which marks separation between stomach and intestine
portion of stomach just posterior to esophagus, bears longitudinal ridges
adheres to and almost completely hides the ventral surface of the duodenum
the anterior segment of the intestine
segment of intestine bearing spiral valve
valvular intestine
internal subdivision of valvular intestine, increasing its effective length
spiral valve
narrow segment of intestine extending posteriorly from valvular segment
salt excreting gland close to the colon
digitiform gland
two narrow strips extending along mid sagittal plane of the dorsal wall of the cavity
mesentery extending to the esophagus and stomach
ribbon-like strand extending from the liver toward the gut
lesser omentum
extends between the anteroventral surface of the liver and mid ventral body wall, supports oviduct
falciform ligament
lesser omentum as a single bundle next to the liver
bile duct
male gonads, lie dorsal to the liver
anterior part of the kidney
transports sperm posteriorly for eventual release from the body
archinephric duct
transports urine from posterior kidney, extends along medial margin of kidney
accessory urinary duct
straight and expanded region of archinephric duct
seminal vesicle
small, anteriorly blind ending pouch that lies on ventral surface of seminal vesicle
sperm sac
lies just deep into the skin on the ventral surface of the pelvic fin, sac-like
used for the passage of urine and sperm
urogenital papilla
female gonads, lie dorsal to the liver
lies on the ventral surface of each kidney
anterior oviduct swelling dorsal to the ovary
nidamental gland
posterior enlargement of oviduct