Dog Breeds Flashcards
What was the working group bred for?
What are their main characteristics? (IFSB)
Guarding property
Pulling sleds
Performing water rescues
Fast learners
What are the sub-categories of the working group? (NNGDM + A)
Non-herding Mastiffs Guard dogs Draft/rescue dogs Nordic dogs- spitz:sled dogs
Non-herding (guardians of the flock) (GABK)
Bred to guard flock
Independent Guarding Aloof to strangers Bonds to family Barkers at night - sound they are on duty
Great Pyrenees
Anatolian Shepherd
Bred for
fighting, guarding, hunting, carting
Very large (100lbs +) dominant, territorial, fear aggressive, shy, powerful, overprotective, possessive
Neapolitan Mastiff
Great Dane
Guard Dogs
Bred to guard and be aggressive in presence of a threat.
Alert, confident, barkers, barrier frustration, aggressive, strong willed, sure of themselves, mentally strong, physically powerful
- need early training they are physically and mentally strong
Doberman Pincher
Standard Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzer
Draft/ rescue (gentle giants)
Bred to pull carts, save people from drowning
Strong, gentle, trainable, laid back, pliable, willing to please
Saint Bernard Bernese Mountain Dog Great Swiss mountain dog Newfoundland Portuguese Water Dog
Nordic dogs - Spitz: Sled dogs
Bred to pull sleds
Also to hunt, herd and guard
Athletic, love to pull and run, independent, easily distracted, aloof with strangers, vocal/howlers
Need to problem solve, mental stimulation
- spitz wolf like appearance with tail erect and curled over back, erect ears, square build
Siberian Husky,
Alaskan Malamute
Akita - descendant from Nordic dogs
Bred for fighting, hunting large game, guarding
Intelligent Aggressive Reactive Powerful Independent
Sporting group and sub-classes
Bred for hunting and other field activities
Make well rounded companions
Bred for hunting
Physically tough Happy Friendly to strangers and children Social Mouthy Active
Not touch or noise sensitive so they are good around children
Chessie’s tend to be more aggressive
Golden retriever Labrador retriever Chesapeake Bay retriever Flat coated retriever Curly coated retriever
Bred for hunting
Willing to please
Love everyone even kids and strangers
Some spaniels (American cocker, English Springer) are over bred creating aggressive unsound dogs
Cocker Spaniel Springer spaniel English Spaniel American water spaniel Field spaniel
Bred for running long distances in hunting
Great endurance Need a great deal of exercise Hyper Physically tough Aloof
vizsla Brittany Pointer German shorthair pointer German wire haired pointer
Bred for hunting
Laid back
Willing to please
Need more grooming
English Setter
Irish Setter
Irish red and white Setter
Gordon Setter
Hound Group and sub-classes
Used for hunting
Scent hounds
Sight hounds
Scent hounds
Live by their nose
Hard to control on they are on the trail
Love to eat
Hard to housebreak
Friendly toward strangers
Tend to be garbage stealers
beagle English foxhound American English coonhound Red Bone coonhound Blue tick coonhound Tree walker coonhound
Sight Hounds
Visually stimulated
Loves to chase
Handler sensitive
Low body fat and short coat. Needs soft spot to lie on
Greyhound whippet Basenji Saluki Borzoi Pharaoh Hound
Terrier group and sub-classes
Bred to hunt and kill vermin
Little tolerance for other dogs Feisty High energy High prey drive Barkers Low shedding
Terriers, bully breeds
Fearless Never back away from a fight Predatory Diggers Barkers Dog aggressive Dominant
Low shedding
Rat terrier
Carin terrier
Smooth Fox Terrier
Wire Fox Terrier
Bully breeds
Bred for dog fighting, baiting
Gentle towards children
Dog aggressive
Bull terrier, Pit Bull American Bulldog English Bulldog French Bulldog
Diverse group
Different personalities, appearances, sizes, coats and visage.
Eg chow chow, Keeshond, Lhasa Apso, shiba Ainu, Dalmatian
Herding Group
Bred to herd livestock
Intelligent Needs plenty of exercise and mental stimulation Chasing tendencies Active Barkers Highly trainable
Australian Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Border Collie, Collie, German Shepherd
Toy Group
Diverse group
Bred down from other breeds
Eg Miniature Pincher = Doberman
Bred for entertainment and companionship.
Intelligent, hard to housebreaker, easily spoiled= behavior issues.
Ideal apartment dogs, lap warmers
Eg Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, Miniature Pincher, Pomeranian - descendent of Nordic dogs Shih Tzu
What are the 7 categories of dog breeds?
Toy Terrier Herding Hound Sporting Non-sporting Working
What group does the poodle belong to?
Which retriever has more aggressive tendencies?
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Which group is a Pomeranian descendant of?
Nordic/sled dog
Difficult to find breeds
- not bred to standards
German shepherd
Golden retriever
Labrador retriever
Low maintenance dogs
- coat type/easy care
English cocker French bulldog Greyhound Pug Standard poodle Whippet
Active dogs
- high energy. Need to run
Boxer Golden retriever Border Collie Belgian Malinois Husky Visla
Good city dogs
Basset hound Boston terrier Corgi Chihuahua Yorkie Maltese
Low shedding
Bichon Poodles Doodles Schnauzer (miniature & standard) Wheaten terrier West Highland terriers
Bark when someone comes on property
Min Pin
Not recommended for everyone
Pit bull Akita Belgian Malinois Aussie Sharpei Chow Dalmatian Rottweiler