Doctrine 4 FINAL EXAM Flashcards
A hindu term meaning liberation-liberation from everything that distances us from infinite being, infinite awareness, and infinite bliss.
The cycle of transmigrations that hindus want moksha or freedom from.
The God-head in hindu. People worship three primary manifestations of the Brahman; Brama, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Jnana (Yoga)
A type of yoga that is for strong spiritual aspirants who have a strong reflective bent …the path to onesness with God.
Bhakti (Yoga)
The yoga of love and devotion- is to direct toward God the love that lies at the base of every heart.
Karma (Yoga)
The way through work, learn how to work in ways that carry you to God.
Raja (Yoga)
The way to God through psychophysical experiments. Designed for people of the experimental bent.
True self, soul, essence of human life.
Knowledge or wisdom /oldest and most sacred scriptures
philosophical extension of vedas
Bhagavad gita
Epic poetry, mythology most popular hindu writing
Four things humans desire according to Hinduism
Pleasure, wealth, community, moksha
What is the geographic origin of Hinduism
Religion from the Indus valley , along India and Pakistan
The awakened one
The “big raft” the group of Buddhists who insisted Buddhism was a full time job.
The “little raft” , Buddhism for all the people, stressing cosmic grace.
three baskets, recitations of Buddhas teaching
basket of discourses , doctrinal teachings
basket of discipline, rules and regulations
supplement containing reflection on teaching
Gautama Siddhartha
Buddhas birth name, from the Shakya tribe awakened around age 30.
The scriptures of Islam, literal, eternal, uncreated word of God.
traditions concerning sayings and life of Muhhamad
Biographical information on Muhammad
born in Mecca around 570 AD, parents dies while he was an infant, went into caravan business at 25, first revelation (night of power) around 610 AD, Gabriel dictated text, Muhammad was to memorize and preach the text, miraculously transported to Jerusalme 620 AD
View of Jesus in Islam? Compared to Christian view?
Jesus was; son of virgin mary, a great prophet but NOT the son of God, Jesus was NOT crucified, He will someday return and reign for 40 years, marry, have children, and die and be burried in Medina, In the end he will stand for judgement with other men.
Five pillars of Islam
confession(Shahada), prayer(Salat), fasting(sawm), giving alms(Zakat), pilgrimage(Hajj)
Five books of Moses
narratives, illustration
Three main modern expressions of Judaism
Orthodox Judaism - strict adherence to Torah, traditional Jewish customs
Reform Judaism - central role of ethical teaching, but traditional customs not binding; interpretation of Torah influenced by history and cultural changes
Conservative Judaism - a middle ground; maintain strong Jewish identify with accommodation
The fellowship of all who are justified and sanctified by grace through faith in Christ.
The Greek word for church
The three biblical images of the church
The people of God, The body of Christ, The Temple of the Holy Spirit
According to Acts 2 (and Oden) what are the essential elements of the church
Apostolic Doctrine, community life, sacramental communion, common worship. The church is known by carefully noting what the church does.
Three forms of church government
Episcopal: Authority resides in the bishop, number of levels of bishops varies, powers of the bishop include; ordination of ministers,pastoral placement, preserving true faith, order through discipline
Presbyterian: authority delegated by believers to elders who represent them, series of governing assemblies which include both laity and clergy, local assembly chooses its own pastor, regional administrators elected for a limited term of service.
Congregational: autonomy, local congregation independent and self governing, democracy-every member of congregation has a voice in its affairs, each congregation calls its own pastor, sets its own budget, purchases and owns its own property.