What does STR stand for
Short Tandem Repeats
What are polymorphic sequences
many form sequences
a unique location where STR’s are on a chromosome
STRs are difficult to replicate T or F
T or F an individual locus
can have many variants called alleles that differ in the number of tandem repeats contained in
the sequence. The difference in tandem repeat number makes some alleles longer than others.
What is electrophoresis?
“carry with current”.
What is multiplex PCR?
It uses more efficicency.
Porous gels are made from solidified agarose, a
complex carbohydrate made from seaweed. What is it used for?
They form a molecular mesh. It is submerged in a special chamber with electrodes.
What is a DNA allele ladder?
A reference standard that allows all of the possible alleles
What is genotyping?
Explain the power of discrimination
, the power of discrimination is the ability of the profile to discriminate
between different individuals. The larger the number of loci typed, the more powerful the
ability to discriminate.
Explain Locus frequency
formula locus
frequency = 2pq . True or False. If the two alleles are the same, like 6-6 then locus frequency= p2
. Using suspect A
as an example we would calculate a locus frequency of 2 x 0.23 x 0.11 = 0.051. T
Name the common locuses for forensic matching and examination
Explain RMP (random match probability)
Since our profile
used two genotypes we get to multiply the locus frequencies together to create a Random
Match Probability (RMP).