Diverisity and Genetics Flashcards
1684: first article to mention ___ in a scientific journal to classify people.
1700s: ___ ____: attempts to scientifically categorize people
Racial taxonomy
1780s: ____ ___: Caucasian, Mongoloid, aethiopian, American, and Malayan.
By the 1800s: numerous scientific theories abounded such as The curse of ____ and _____ versus _____.
Blumenbach’s taxonomy
Monogenism vs polygenism
1800s: rise of ____ ____: movement from taxonomy to biology. Race becomes a valid scientific ceremony that can be used to explain and predict individual and group behavior
Racial anthropology
First enslaved Africans arrive in America in ____. There were other forms of coerced labor at that time. Alavert was not ____ at this time and there was a possibility of freedom .
By 1700, slavery was legal, ____, and ___-___. It was reserved for persons of African descent.
In the U.S., race is uniquely linked to enslavement of west African people and the maintain e of hierarchy ___. Treating race as biology was a “____ ____” for slavery in a society that claimed equality as its most cherished ideal.
Moral apology
Race is the product of ____. Racism is not the product of ____.
Race is a means of creating and enforcing ___ ___, a lens through which differential opportunity and inequality are structured
Social order
In 1906, the first eugenics organization formed in the United States called ____ ____ of the ____ ____ ____ (ABA)
Eugenics Committee of the American Breeder’s Association
Three tenants of the Eugenics movement:
Sterilization, marriage control, and immigration control
Research and science were used to justify the ____ of certain groups of unwanted persons in society.
How did race and genetics get tangled up?
Genomes can differ due to multiple factors but humans are ____% identical to each other.
Reproduction, migration, random fluctuations all contribute to different ___.
Theories of genetics underlying race: pre-data
What the genetic diversity data actually show us