Disturbance Flashcards
– lesion where excess fluids accumulate in interstitial tissue spaces.
- may be a transudate or an exudatefluid
– refers to a lesion where blood may be kept from reaching an area of
tissue and the tissue becomes necrotic.
- a necrotized, vascular area blocked byembolic lesion.
– process of necrotizing an area blocked by thrombus or other embolic lesion
– an intravascular solid clot formed
– refers to a process by which a blood may clot within blood vessels
- a vascular space-occupying lesion.
- may be a dislodged blood clot, a parasite, or an air bubble
– process whereby a floating mass may occlude vascular channels
– is the generalized failure of peripheral circulation
Hemorrhages occur when red blood cells are present outside the blood vessels. The vessel may be physically damaged (hemorrhage by __________) so that the cells simpy flow out through, or the cells may pass through an intact vascular wall by a process called _________.
- tiny pinpoint
hemorrhage measuring 1 to 2 mm sized foci.
Petechial hemorrhage
Photograph showing
petechial hemorrhages
visible along the kidney
capsule. This lesion is
pathognomonic of _______<
cholera infection.
larger areas of
hemorrhage measuring 2 to 3 cm in size.
Ecchymotic hemorrhage
- refers to extensive streaking with hemorrhage.
- (lesion as if someone literally splashed red paint on the tissue)
Paint-brush type
Petechial hemorrhage - tiny pinpoint
hemorrhage measuring 1 to 2 mm sized foci.
Photograph showing
petechial hemorrhages
visible along the kidney
capsule. This lesion is
pathognomonic of Hog
cholera infection.
Ecchymotic hemorrhage - larger areas of
hemorrhage measuring 2 to 3 cm in size.
Paint-brush type - refers to extensive streaking with hemorrhage.
- (lesion as if someone literally splashed red paint on the tissue)
The above three types usually occur on serosal or mucosal surfaces and are visible but cannot be palpated
– occurs when sufficientred cells come out in one area
to form a lump, the lesion is called
Hematoma (or more appropriately HEMATOCYST)
Massive hemorrhage into a body cavity is called:
______,_____,________ depending on the area affected
hemopericardium, hemothorax or hemoperitoneum,
is a clinical term applied to an animal that has extensive petechial and ecchymotic
hemorrhages on serous and mucous surfaces.
purpura is more of a descriptive term and does not imply a specific disease
– (skin lesion) is a result of hemorrhage.
Presence of hemosiderin-ladenmacrophages and erythrophagocytosis are indications of former
Diseases that result in marked bleeding tendencies are named
hemorrhagic diatheses
3 factors used in defining the types of pathological Hyperemia
- Duration
- Extent
- Mechanisms
DURATION: acute/chronic
Acute: implies abrupt onset with rapid development
Chronic: slowly developing and/or present for a long time
Local: change confined to a discrete area (localized or limited)
Generalized: indicates a systemic change or generalized within an