Aka distance education, e-learning, online learning
Main element include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction as well as the use of various technologies in order to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication
Distance Learning
Kind of education that is conducted behind physical space and time
Aided by technology like computers and internet
Method of learning or way of educating students online
Lectures and learning materials are sent over the internet and students work from home and not in a typical classroom setting
is one of the instructional methods that is used in teaching.
It uses a telecommunication approach by means of using video technology or through live approach or taped messages from the instructor to the viewer.
Distance learning
This instructional technique has now become popular as an instructional technique that is used for academic settings.
Because of demographic structural changes and globalization, it is now necessary to make education available for all and to motivate people to join wherein distance learning can help for education to spread out.
Distance learning
Not an inferior substitute to the traditional classroom but rather an outperforming traditional classroom instruction
Not as new, firstly introduced centuries back, around 1700 (March 20, 1728)
7 Misconceptions of Distance Learning:
Online courses are just as hard or even more challenging than traditional courses
Online courses have interactive assignments; frequent
Requires to complete activities almost daily
Online Classes are easier than traditional classes
7 Misconceptions of Distance Learning:
Online courses takes as much or more time as a traditional course
Check email frequently, get all the assignments done on time, discuss your questions and concerns with instructor and classmates fully participate each week
Log in frequently and stay engaged
Online classes takes less time than traditional classes
7 Misconceptions of Distance Learning:
Doesn’t mean working entirely at your own pace
Online classes still have deadlines
Synchronous meetings requires you to show up at specific times of places to participate
Be a self-starter and manage your time well
I can work entirely at my own pace
7 Misconceptions of Distance Learning:
Have opportunities to interact with classmates
Good online courses helps you develop similar relationship
Ice-breakers and self-introductions give you the opportunity to learn about each other
Discussion board activities and collaborative create opportunities for you to be engage with each other
I won’t get to know the other students very well
7 Misconceptions of Distance Learning:
Get individual attention from professors
In online courses, professors participate in discussions, hold virtual office hours, give feedback on each homework submission
I won’t get individual attention from my professor
7 Misconceptions of Distance Learning:
Achieve the same learning outcomes
Good online course can accomplish the same student learning outcomes as traditional face to face courses with high levels of engagement
I won’t learn as much in an online class
7 Misconceptions of Distance Learning:
Carry the same respect and accreditation
Only difference is delivery but accreditation and curriculum is the same
Online degrees don’t carry the respect of traditional college degrees
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
first recorded instance of distance learning occurs in Boston, USA
When “Caleb Philips” advertises private correspondence courses in shorthand in Boston Gazette
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
Sir Isaac Pitman runs correspondence courses teaching his revolutionary shorthand system
Pitman shorthand is still widely used today
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
The University of London becomes the first university to offer distance learning degrees
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
The term “distance education” is first used in a pamphlet by the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the USA
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
Having pioneered the use of the term, University of Wisconsin begins recording lectures and sending them to students in phonograph form
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
University of the Cape of Good Hope becomes the University of South Africa
Today it is the largest university in Africa and is a dedicated distance learning institution
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
Harold Wilson’s Labour Government founds the Open University
It becomes the first institution to deliver ONLY distance learning
Primarily using radio and television broadcasts to deliver content
History of Flexibility Learning (What year): Athabasca University (Canada’s Open University) was founded
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
FernUniversitat in Hagen (Germany’s Open University) was founded
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
Tim Berners-Lee proposes the development of an online document sharing system which he described as a “web of noted with links”
This became the WWW
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
At Penn State University (US), Jerrold Maddox teaches the first course delivered over distance via the web
Commentary on Arts
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
eLearning is coined
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
Nearly 400,000 students study by distance learning in the UK
One third of all undergraduates study part-time
History of Flexibility Learning (What year):
UK Government makes student loans available to distance learning and part-time undergraduates students for the first time
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Advantages of Flexibility Learning
- Decreased accessibility in learning and training opportunity
- Increased opportunities for updating, retraining and personal enrichment
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Advantages of Flexibility Learning
- Cost effective in educational resources
- Supports quality of current educational structures
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Advantages of Flexibility Learning
- Inconvenience by means of time and space
- Introverted students will often speak up when given an opportunity to interact
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Disadvantages of Flexibility Learning
- Offer an immediate feedback to assess student’s performance
- Acknowledged by the community due to lack of resources
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Disadvantages of Flexibility Learning
- It affects the students negatively in their verbal communication skills
- It does not affect mental health that the student may feel isolated or missed out the social-physical interactions found in traditional classroom setup
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Disadvantages of Flexibility Learning
- Greater chance of distraction
- Limited scope for practical learning
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Disadvantages of Flexibility Learning
- Can facilitate the learning needs of each and every type of course or field
- Missing out of social interaction
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Things to Consider in Distance Learning
- Instructor and student’s preparedness
- Attitude needed for distance learning
A if only the first statement is correct
B if only the second statement is correct
C if both of the statements are correct
D if neither of the statements is correct
Things to Consider in Distance Learning
- Knowledge in handling network technology
- Transportation expenses
It is desirable to practice by using mail course materials to students before the class or to make the materials readily available on a course web site. Materials are uploaded ahead of time Students will be prepared and ready when entering the virtual class
Class Management
Logistics planning is required for examinations
Written examinations must be prepared in advance so they can be mailed to the remote sites, stored in a safe place and distributed during the class
Proctor must be present at all time at all sites
Problems with technology are inevitable, technicians can usually quickly handle minor problems
Class Management
Typical interactive television classroom contains a teaching podium with a control panel for the camera and monitors, microphone for teacher and computed hook-up, document camera and fax machine
Interactive Television Classes
Teacher usually wears a tracking device so the camera follow him or her around the front of the room
Used to deliver information to college students, nurse, medtech and patient
ITV classrooms can be used in staff development
Classes are delivered via internet by means of a course network
Internet Classes: Online classes
Types of Internet Classes: people interact in real time electronically via internet All learning types when students and teachers are in the same place at the same time Includes classes and live online meets when the whole class are together
Synchronous classes
Students all follow the same learning route with the teacher giving on-going support and encouragement
Types of Internet Classes:
materials are located on a web page that can be accessed at any time at the learner’s convenience
Online teaching style, wherein instruction occurs in different times and in various spaces to suit the learners
Asynchronous classes
Teachers set the direction with student following their own space
General term for education outside a classroom
Teacher/ lecturer not physically present with students.
Type of learning blends activities that would become the new normal
Remote Learning
Also called hybrid learning, technology-mediated, web-enhanced, or mixed-mode instruction. This approach combines online materials and traditional class methods. Requires the presence of both the teacher and student
Blended Learning
Teachers have the control over the time, place, direction, and phase elements
Direct practices are integrated with the computer for additional content and delivery
Limited face-to-face
Type of blended learning, Increases student engagement by letting them complete activities at home, with work on live problem-solving during class time.
Flipped Classroom Shifts tasks into the class Learners watch online lectures and interact through discussion or research at home and develop ideas in class with the support of the teacher