Introduced by Malcolm Shepherd Knowles in 1968, but the concept was popularized in 1980
Adult Learning Theory: Andragogy
Term used by Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1913 – 1997)
Art and science of adult learning
Andragogy (Adult education)
Teacher-centered learning, where students are given instructions to be able to approach learning process
Encompasses the way the teachers deliver the content of the curriculum to a class and diff ways on how to deliver the content to the student, class, or learner
Pedagogy (Child learning)
Observed typical classroom set-up
Teacher is the director of teaching, so students will learn
sets of instructions as guide to students to be able to learn
According to research, the adult brain starts getting lazy at around 25 yrs old, but that doesn’t mean that people at that age are not already capable of learning new concepts
(It just means that, engaging of things that keeps the brain busy or keep us learning is needed
This is where adult learning sets in)
As adult learners, to be able to accomplish new learning, hobbies or creating hobbies are encouraged for easier revisiting of learning process that they already acquired
By doing this, adults can still improve creative thinking, memory, and job performance
As observed by Knowles, adults learns best when they understand why something is important to know,
Knowles’ 5 Assumptions of Adult Learners:
As a person matures his/her self concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self-directed human being
Big role in developing our self-directed learnings, helps dev our ways towards self-directed learning
Self- Concept
(Who we think we are, picture we have of ourselves and picture we think others have of us
Plays imp part in overall wellness, because it affects and influences on the way we look at our own body, how we can express ourselves, our way of interaction, and our decision-making skills)
time when we have own initiative in diagnosing learning needs, formulation of learning goals, identifying the materials/ resources for learning
Self-directed learning
ability to assess and initiate things independently
they carry the skills needed to learn and understand independently
Knowles’ 5 Assumptions of Adult Learners:
As a person matures he/she accumulates a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning.
Revolves around past experiences
Adult Learner Experience
(Children are expected to have minimal experiences when it comes to learning new concepts
They rely on experience of others for them to learn)
carry plenty of experience (moderate to many to plenty) in order to contextualize or conceptualize new ideas
Allows things to come naturally and more intuitively for adults because of experiences they have
instinctively/ intuition, ability to know something or understand w/o any direct evidence or reasoning process, just learning from past experiences
Knowles’ 5 Assumptions of Adult Learners:
As a person matures his/her readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental tasks of his/her social roles
Applies to both personal and professional life
Readiness to Learn
(We become dedicated to assigned roles and responsibilities
Leveling up the degree of learning by listening, note-taking, do’s and don’ts, and overall perspective expected to be at the workplace)
Adults tend to focus our learning around assigned roles and responsibilities
Knowles’ 5 Assumptions of Adult Learners:
As a person matures his/her time perspective changes from one of postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of application.
As a result his/her orientation toward learning shifts from one of subject- centeredness to one of problem centeredness.
Orientation to Learning
Tendency or habit of seeking in order to gain more or increase one’s knowledge and skills
Children are more receptive to general education
subject based learning, introductory learning
All concepts has been introduced
More on concepts, ideas, and theories
Gen Ed
learn best when applying new concept to their everyday life
Problem based learning
More on applied learning, practical application, case study presentation/ solving, and experimentation
Knowles’ 5 Assumptions of Adult Learners:
Impacts how likely student to either give up or push forward
How will they reflect or give meaning to what they have learned
Motivation to Learn
As a person matures the motivation to learn is internal
_____ : important predictor of learning and achievement
_____ : things that are anticipated that will happen in the future
2 Types of Motivation:
act of doing an activity purely for the joy of doing it, self-satisfaction/ self-gain, something that benefits you in the future in order to become skilled
2 Types of Motivation:
through the use of external rewards or punishments, in order to encourage students’ work completion, driving force for students to complete a work