disorders of visual processing Flashcards
“software” of the visual system
visual processing
“hardware of the visual system
visual efficiency
visual efficency
neurodevelopment of eye tracking accommodation, and binocular vision
visual processing
how the eyes interface with the rest of the brain and body (interpret visual stimuli)
disorders of visual sensory pathways
lesions of pathways from the retina, optic nerve to the striate cortex
disorder of visual integration
due to lesions upstream from the striate cortex
undetermined disorders of visual integration
disorders not easily classified in the two former categories
cone dystrophy
genetic defect that causes malformation of the cones, slow progressive loss of central vision
cone dystrophy symptoms
vision during daytime, photophobia, problems detecting colors, problems with sharp VA
what type of ocular bleeding affects vision
same-side visual field defect
opposite-side visual field defect
absence of hemifield of vision
abscence of a quadrant of vision
absolute scotoma
deep, no response to light in that area no matter how bright the stimulus