Disorders of the Eyelid Flashcards
Congenital Abnormalities of the eyelid (6)
1) Ankyloblepharon
2) Pathologic Ankyloblepharon
3) Eyelid agenesis
4) Eyelid dermoid
5) Macroblepharon
6) Lagophthalmos
Ankyloblepharon (3)
1) palpebral fissure sealed @ birth
2) physiologic in dogs/cats up to 10-15 days of age
3) if eyelids open prematurely exposure KCS & ulcerations
Pathologic Ankyloblepharon (4)
1) Delayed or complete failure of eyelid opening
2) Ophthalmia neonatorum
3) Staph in dogs
4) Chlamydial in cats
Eyelid Agenesis (3)
1) complete or partial undeveloped eyelid
2) cats
3) friction b/w haired skin & cornea = keratitits
Eyelid dermoid (3)
1) ectopic island of skin @ the eyelid margin
2) French bulldog, shih tze, German shepherd, dachshund & dalmatians
3) surgical removal of abnormal tissue
Macroblepharon (4)
1) overly large palpebral fissure
2) brachycephalic & spaniel breeds
3) contributes to KCS, proptosis & lagophthalmos
4) can cause pigmentary keratitis
Lagophthalmos (4)
1) inability to close close eyelids completely
2) brachycephalic breeds
3) facial nerve paralysis, exophthalmia, buphthalmia
4) can cause keratitis
Abnormal Hairs: Structural Abnormalities (3)
1) distichiasis
2) trichiasis
3) ectopic cilia
Distichiasis (3)
1) single or multiple hairs arising from the meibomian gland openings
2) possible inherited etiology
3) epiphora, tear staining, blepharospasm & keratitis
Trichiasis (3)
1) normal cilia or facial hair directed towards the cornea
2) Congenital: entropion, eyelid angenesis & dermoid
3) Acquired: eye lid lacerations & bothced surgeries
Ectopic cilia (3)
1) cilia emerging through palpebral conjunctiva
2) young dogs
3) upper eyelid most common
Entropion (5)
1) inversion of the eyelid
2) haired skin contacts the conjunctiva & corneal surfaces
3) blepharospasm, epiphora, corneal pigmentation & ulceration
4) primary: congenital or developmental
5) secondary: cicatrical or spastic
Ectropion (6)
1) eversion of the eyelid margin
2) over- exposure of the conjunctiva & corneal surfaces
3) typically accompanied by macroblepharon
4) Conformation
5) transient fatigue
6) secondary
Eyelid lacerations (3)
1) partial vs. full-thickness
2) marginal vs. nonmarginal
3) usually require surgical correction
Blepharitis (2)
1) inflammation of the eyelids
2) infectious etiologies & immune mediated etiologies
Chalazion (3)
1) impacted meibomian gland
2) firm non-painful swelling
3) treatment is warm packing, curettage, +/- antibiotics
Dog Eyelid Neoplasia (3)
1) meibomian gland adenomas & epitheliomas (most common)
2) Melanomas
3) Papillomas
Cat Eyelid neoplasia (3)
1) should always be considered malignant
2) mast cell tumors
3) hemangiomas
Horse eyelid neoplasia (3)
1) squamous cell carcinoma: high recurrence rate
2) sarcoid: recurrence is common
3) melanoma; locally invasive
Retained Spectacle (3)
1) eyelids do not shed appropriately
2) reptiles
3) treatment: increase humidity & lubrication