Diseases of commercial chickens Flashcards
Commercial chickens are named as ‘chicks’ until what age?
2 weeks old
Commercial chicks are growers until what age?
From 2 weeks to 8/9 weeks
At what age are commercial broiler chickens ‘finishers’?
8/9 weeks
At what age are commercial layers named pullets
10 -17/18 wo
At what age are commercial breeders named pullets
10 - 25/26 wo
At what age are commercial layers named laying birds
From 17/18 wo
At what age are commercial breeders named laying birds
from 25/26 wo
What are some non-infectious causes of high mortality in commercial chicks?
- Temperature/humidity/ventilation
- Water/feeder problems
- Arrived weak and poorly
- Nutritional deficiencies
What are some infectious causes of high mortality in commercial chicks?
- Navel/yolk sac infection e.g. Salmonella spp, E coli
- Aspergillosis – hatchery?
- Vaccine reactions – vaccination at hatchery
- Avian encephalomyelitis
List some immunosuppressive diseases of growers and pullets
Infectious bursal disease virus
Chicken anaemia virus
Marek’s disease
What are the clinical signs of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) infection
- Coughing/sneezing
- Reduced weight gain
- Reduced egg production
What are the lesions caused by Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) infection?
Air sacculitis
How is Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) infection treated/prevented?
Antibiotics – amoxycillin, chlortetracycline, macrolides
Vaccine (autogenous)
Biosecurity and management improvements
The acute form of Clostridial enteritis is seen at what age in commercial chickens?
Young chickens
What are the clinical signs of clostrdium enteritis?
Depression, ruffled feathers, sudden death, increased mortality
Subclinical: weight gain, poor FCR