Backyard poultry, including waterfowl: problems and solutions Flashcards
Name the 6 parts that make up the reproductive tract in hens
What happens to the egg at each part of the reproductive tract?
Infundibulum - capture ovum
Magnum - albumin added
Isthmus - shell membranes added
Uterus - egg shell added
How long is incubation of eggs in chickens?
21 days
Describe the correct conditions for egg storage
- Over 24 hrs but < 7 days old
- Storage at 10 C, turn eggs daily
- Washing with warm water
- Some fogging with Virkon
Describe candling eggs and its purpose
- 9-10 days after incubation
- To determine the fertility of eggs
- Use small bright torch, held at broad end of the egg in dark room
What are the key components needed in the management of chick rearing
Litter - wood shavings, newspaper, commercial litter
List some common problems/infections of breeders/layers
- Oviduct infection
- Egg peritonitis
- Infectious bronchitis virus
- Egg bound
- Pyometra
What are the consequences of IBV infection?
Mis-shapen/weak eggs, watery whites, rough shell, cystic/atrophic oviduct
What is the cause of chickens being egg bound?
Lack of calcium
List the poultry viruses that can be vertically transmitter from mother to young
Reovirus – viral arthritis
Retroviruses – lymphoid leucosis
List the poultry bacteria that can be vertically transmitter from mother to young
- Salmonella
- E coli
- Staphylococci
- Mycoplasma
List the non-infectious causes of urinary tract problems in poultry spp
Water deprivation
Water/feed quality - Minerals, toxic substances, Excessive salt
List the infectious causes of urinary tract problems in poultry spp
Infectious bronchitis virus
Infectious bursal disease
Marek’s disease
Bacterial infections
‘Splayed leg’ is seen in birds with which infection?
Marek’s disease - sciatic nerve infection
List some causes of poultry welfare issues
- Housing, Husbandry, Nutrition
- Deformities, Diseases
- Breeding
- Hygiene and sanitation
- Biosecurity