Disease Profiles: Neuro-Opthalmic Disease Flashcards
List 4 causes of visual field defects
Vascular disease - CVA
Space occupying lesion (SOL) e.g. pituitary tumour
Demyelination (MS)
Trauma - including surgical
What is sudden onset diplopia?
Patient has changed from having binocular single vision, seeing one image only, to a sudden onset manifest squint and diplopia (double vision)
Describe the clinical presentation of optic neuritis
Progressive unilateral visual loss
Pain behind eye, especially on movement
Colour desaturation
Central scotoma
Horizontal double vision with esotropia/exotropia on cover test suggests a problem with which ocular muscles?
Medial or lateral rectus
Describe the clinical presentation of a CN IV nerve palsy
Typically results in vertical diplopia when looking inferiorly, due to loss of the superior oblique’s action of pulling the eye downwards
Affected eye turned upward in primary position
What pathology would result in a bitemporal field defect?
Optic chiasm defect - pituitary tumour, craniopharyngioma, meningioma
Describe the findings on fundoscopy associated with optic atrophy
Pale optic disc
What investigation us used to detect a manifest squint (topia)?
Cover test
Name 3 causes of papilloedema
Space-occupying lesion
Problems with cerebral blood flow (e.g. malignant hypertension)
Problems with CSF (obstruction to circulation, overproduction, inadequate absorption)
What causes sudden onset diplopia?
New weakness of extra-ocular muscles
What would be the most likely cause of a painful CN III palsy?
What pathology would result in a contralateral homonymous hemianopia (macula not spared)?
Optic tract defect - tumours, demyelination, vascular anomalies
Which cranial nerve supplies all extaocular muscles except superior oblique and lateral rectus?
What is non-arteric ischaemic optic neuropathy?
ION due to non-inflammatory disease of small blood vessels - vascular risk factors
What is the most common cause of internuclear opthalmoplegia in a younger patient?
Name the cranial nerve which supplies the superior oblique
Describe the findings on fundoscopy associated with ischaemic optic neuropathy
Pale, swollen disc
Name a common cause of bilateral optic disc swelling in young females
Swelling of the optic nerve due to increased intracranial pressure