Discovery of Microorganisms Flashcards
when was the first microbes first observed?
Who reported that living things were composed of little boxes or cells?
Robert Hooke
When did Robert Hooke observed cells?
first person to observe and describe microorganisms (bacteria and protists) accurately
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
idea that living organisms can develop from nonliving or decomposing matter
spontaneous generation
discredited spontaneous generation
Francesco Redi
showed that maggots on decaying meat came from fly eggs
Francesco Redi
Who supported Spontaeneous Generation?
John Needham
Lazzaro Spallanzani
suggested that inorganic matter in the extract contained a vital force that confers the properties of life on nonliving matter
John Needham
his experiment consists of mutton broth in flasks that are boiled before sealing
John Needham
his experiment consist of broth in flasks that are sealed before boiling
Lazaro Spallanzani
proposed that air carried germs to the culture medium and external air is required for growth of animals already in the medium
Lazzaro Spallanzani
proposed that heating the air in the sealed flask destroyed its ability to support life
Lazzaro Spallanzani
Who disproved spontaneous generation
Louis Pasteur
John Tyndall
Ferdinand Cohn
swan-neck flask experiments
Louis Pasteur
In swan-neck flask experiments, flasks are left exposed to the air. (t or f)
The swan neck flasks resulted in growth of microorganisms (t or f)
demonstrated that dust carries microorganisms
John Tyndall
showed that if dust was absent, nutrient broths remained sterile, even if directly exposed to air.
John Tyndall
also provided evidence for the existence of exceptionally heat-resistant forms of bacteria
John Tyndall
showed that heat-resistant bacteria could produce endospores
Ferdinand Cohn
Infectious disease are believed to be due to supernatural forces or imbalances of 4 bodily fluid humors (t or f)
what are the 4 bodily fluid humors that can cause infectious diseases?
blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile
showed that a disease of silkworms was caused by a fungus
Agostini Bassi
demonstrated that the great Potato Blight of Ireland was caused by a water mold
M.J Berkely
showed that smut and rust fungi caused cereal crop diseases
Heinrich de Bary
demonstrated microorganisms carried out fermentations helping French wine industry
Louis Pasteur
discovered that bacteria causes wine to become sour
Louis Pasteur
developed pasteurization to avoid wine spoilage by microbes
Louis Pasteur
showed that the pebrine disease of silkworms was caused by a protozoan
Louis Pasteur
provided indirect evidence that microorganisms were the casual agents of disease
Joseph Lister
developed a system of antiseptic surgery designed to prevent microorganisms from entering wounds as well as methods for treating instruments and surgical dressings
Joseph Lister
has patients had fewer postoperative infections
Joseph Lister
established the relationship between Bacillus anthracis and anthrax
Robert Koch
uses the criteria developed by his teacher Jacob Henle
Robert Koch
criteria developed by Jacob Henle are known as
Koch’s postulates
What are Koch’s Postulates>
microorganisms must be present in every case of disease but absent from healthy organisms
suspected microorganisms must be isolated and grown into a pure culture
same disease must result when the isolated microorganism is inoculated into a healthy host
same microorganisms must be isolated again from the diseased host
What are limitations of Koch’s postulates?
some organisms cannot be grown in pure culture
using humans in completing postulates is unethical
molecular and genetic evidence may replace and overcome these limits
Koch’s work led to discovery of:
petri dishes
nutrient broth and nutrient agar
methods for isolating microorganisms
developed porcelain bacterial filters used by Ivanoski and Beijerinck to study tobacco mosaic disease
Charles Chamberland
determined that extracts from diseased plants had infectious agents present were smaller than bacteria (viruses)
Ivanoski and Beijerinck
discovered that incubation of cultures for long intervals between transfers caused pathogens to lose their ability to cause disease
Pasteur and Roux
incubation of cultures for long intervals between transfers caused pathogens to lose their ability to cause disease
called attenuated bacteria a vaccine
Pasteur and Roux
where vaccine was coined
developed vaccines for chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies
Pasteur and his coworkers
study of host defenses
used a vaccination procedure to protect individuals from smallpox
Edward Jenner
developed antitoxins for diptheria and tetanus
Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato
provided evidence for humoral (antibody-based) immunity
Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato
discovered bacteria-engulfing, phagocytic cells in blood which is an evidence for cellular immunity
Elie Metchnikoff