Directional Terms & Definitions Flashcards
What does Directional Terms describes?
The location of a structure in a relation to other structures or locations.
Define Anterior
Close to the front of the body.
Define Cranial
Toward the head.
Define Contralateral
Opposite sides of the body.
Define Deep
Farther away from the surface of the body.
Define Distal
Farther away from the body’s core.
Define Dorsal
Toward the back of the body.
Define Inferior
Below, Lower
Define Ipsilateral
The same side of the body.
Define Lateral
Away from the midline of the body.
Define Medial
Toward the midline of the body.
Define Posterior
Closer to the back of the body.
Define Proximal
Nearer/closer to the body’s core.
Define Superficial
Closer to the surface.
Define Superior
Above, higher.
Define Ventral
Toward or at the front of the body.