Digestive System- Small Intestine Flashcards
Regions of small intestine
Layers of the Small intestine
- Mucosa – Simple columnar epithelia + microvilli (Brush- border)
- Submucosa - Intestinal glands
- Muscularis externa
- Serosa
Histology of the small intestine
- Plicae- transverse folds of the intestinal lining
- Villi- fingerlike projections of the mucosa
- Lymphatic vessels
- Intestinal glands- lined by enteroendocrine, goblet, and stem cells.
- Muscularis externa
- Serosa
Mucosal folds
the inner surface of the small intestine is not flat, but thrown into circular folds, which not only increase surface area, but aid in mixing the ingesta.
- A series of fingerlike projections which protrude into the lumen:
- in mucosa of small intestine
- Covered by simple columnar
epithelium: - covered with microvilli
the lumenal plasma membrane of absorptive epithelial cells is studded with densely-packed microvilli.
The Duodenum
- The segment of small intestine closest to stomach
- 25 cm (10 in.) long
- Submucosal glands secreting enterogasterones
- Brunner’s glands; alkaline mucus secretions for protection
Functions of the duodenum
- To receive chyme from stomach and digestive secretions from pancreas and liver.
- To neutralize acids before they can damage the absorptive surfaces of the small intestine
The Jejunum
- the middle segment of small intestine
- 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) long
- Is the location of most
- Chemical digestion
- Nutrient absorption
- Has few plicae
- Small villi
The Ileum
- The final segment of small intestine
- 3.5 meters (11.48 ft) long
- Absorbs Vit B 12 & bile salts
- Ends at the ileocaecal valve
Ileocaecal valve
a sphincter that controls flow of material from the ileum into the large intestine.
Plicae circulares
- Transverse folds in intestinal lining
- Are permanent features- do not disappear when small intestine fills
The Villus
- Epithelium
- Mucous cells (goblet cells)
- Capillaries
- Nerve
- Lymphatics
Intestinal glands
- Mucous cells between columnar epithelial cells.
- Eject mucins onto intestinal surfaces.
- Mucin + water = mucous
Crypts of Lieberkühn
- Openings from intestinal glands:
- to intestinal lumen
- at bases of villi
- Entrances for brush border (microvilli) enzymes.
Brush Border Enzymes
- Integral membrane proteins
- On surfaces of intestinal microvilli
- Break down materials in contact with brush border
Duodenal Glands
- Also called submucosal glands or Brunner glands.
- Produce copious quantities of mucous when chyme arrives from stomach
Small Intestinal Secretions
- Watery intestinal juice
- 1.8 liters per day enter intestinal lumen
- Moisten chyme
- Assist in buffering acids
- Keep digestive enzymes and products of digestion in solution
Small Intestinal Movements
- Chyme arrives in duodenum
- Weak peristaltic contractions move it slowly toward jejunum
- The Gastro-enteric Reflex
- The Gastro-ileal Reflex
The Gastro-enteric Reflex
- Stimulates motility and secretion along entire small intestine
The Gastro-ileal Reflex
- Triggers relaxation of ileocecal
valve - Allows materials to pass from
small intestine into large intestine
Introduction to The Small Intestine
- Important digestive and absorptive functions
- Secretions and buffers are provided by pancreas, liver, gall bladder
- 90% of nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine
Ileocaecal sphincter
Transition between small and large intestine