Digestive system: Small Intestine Flashcards
consists of three parts: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum
small intestine
nearly completes a 180-degree arc as it curves within the abdominal cavity and the head of the pancreas lies within this arc.
Within the duodenum, about two-thirds of the way down the descending part, are two small mounds:
major duodenal papilla and the minor duodenal papilla.
mucosa and submucosa form a series of folds
circular folds, or plicae
mucosa and submucosa form a series of folds called______
which run perpendicular to the long axis of the digestive tract.
circular folds, or plicae
fingerlike projections of the mucosa form numerous.
which are 0.5-1.5 mm in length
villus is covered by simple columnar epithelium and contains a blood capillary network and a lymphatic capillary called
Most of the cells that make up the surface of the villi have numerous cytoplasmic extensions (about 1 um long)
The combined microvilli on the entire epithelial surface form_______
brush border
are cells with microvilli that produce digestive enzymes and absorb digested food;
Absorptive cells
produce a protective mucus;
goblet cells
may help protect the intestinal epithelium from bacteria;
granular cells, or Paneth cells
produce regulatory hormones.
endocrine cells
The epithelial cells are produced within tubular invaginations of the mucosa,
intestinal glands
submucosa of the duodenum contains coiled, tubular mucous glands, open into the base of the intestinal glands.
duodenal glands
similar in structure to the duodenum
Jejunum and Ileum
Lymphatic nodules, which are numerous in the mucosa and submucosa of the ileum.
Peyer patches
site where the ileum connects to the large intestine
ileocecal junction.
ring of smooth muscle
ileocecal sphincter
allow intestinal contents to move from the ileum to the large intestine, but not in the opposite direction
ileocecal valve,
surface-bound enzymes, which break down disaccharides to monosaccharides
surface-bound enzymes, which hydrolyze the peptide bonds between small amino acid chains