Digestive System Flashcards
(LM) Name the structures of the oral cavity:
- Tongue
- Soft palate
- Hard palate
- Palatial rugae
- Lips
- Hyoid
- Root of the tongue
- Tongue
- Lingual frenulum
- Lips
(LM) What are the 4 classifications of Mammalian teeth?
- Incisors (nipping teeth)
- Canines (puncturing and killing)
- Premolars (cutting, chewing, grinding)
- Molars
(LM) Name the structures of the premaxillae of ruminants:
- Buccal papillae
- Palatal rugae
- Dental pad
(LM) What are the structures involved in mastication and salivation?
- Masseter
- Temporalis
- Parotid salivary gland
- Parotid duct
- Mandibular salivary glands
- Mandibular lymph nodes
- Jugular vein
(LM) What are the boundaries and structures of the pharynx?
- Esophagus
- Trachea
- Pharynx
3a. Laryngopharynx
3b. Nasopharynx
3c. Oropharynx - Larynx
- Cricoid cartilage
- Thyroid cartilage
- Hyoid bone
- Epiglottis
- Tongue
- Soft palate
- Hard palate
- Nasal cavity
- Oral cavity
(LM) Name the structures in the abdominal cavity and name of its lining membranes:
- Diaphragm
- Liver
- Lesser omentum
- Stomach
- Parietal peritoneum
- Visceral peritoneum
- Lymph nodes
- Pancreas
- Mesentary
- Small intestine
- Greater omentum
- Dorsal body wall
- Colon
- Uterus
- Bladder
- Ventral body wall
(CL) How is the Liver attached to the Diaphragm?
- Diaphragm
Via 2 structures:
2. Coronary ligament
3. Falciform ligament
(LM) What are the lobes of the liver?
- caudate
- right lateral
- right medial
- gallbladder
- quadrate
- left medial
- left lateral
- caudate process
- papillary process
- common bile duct
(CL) What is the structure of the Gallblader?
- Gallbladder
- Hepatic ducts
- Cystic duct
- Common bile duct
- Greater pancreatic duct
(LM) What are the structures of the stomach?
- Duodenum
- Pyloric sphinter
- Pyloric part (mucous glands)
- Body
- Fundic part (funded glands: enzymes & HCl)
- Cardiac part (mucous glands)
- Esophagus
(LM) What are the curvatures of the stomach?
- Lesser curvature
- Rugae
- Greater curvature
(CL) What are ruminants?
- multi-chambered stomach to capture nutrients from plant material
- Rumen microbes induce fermentation in ingested plant material and produce volatile fatty acids, vitamins, and amino acids
(CL) What are the 4 chambers of the fore stomach?
- Rumen
- Reticulum
- Omasum
- Abomasum
(CL) What are the 2 ducts within the Pancreas?
- Accessory pancreatic duct
- Greater pancreatic duct
(CL) What are the substances/hormones used for exocrine and endocrine systems in the pancreas?
- exocrine digestive juice
- endocrine insulin
(LM) What are the 3 parts of the small intestine?
- Stomach
- Duodenum
- Jejunum
- Ileum
- Pancreas
(CL) What is the Small intestine digestive tract structure
- mesentery (peritoneum) –> maintains lubrication
- longitudinal smooth muscular layer –> push food/material through G.I. tract in organized way
- circular smooth –> “^”
- submucosa –> contains blood vessels, nerves, lymph ducts, ganglia for secretion & absorption
- mucosa –> direct contact
- Intrinsic gland
- Extrinsic gland
(LM) What are the 3 parts of the large intestine?
- Stomach
- Cecum
- Ascending colon
- Transverse colon
- Descending colon
- Rectum
(LM) Name the structures on this picture of the Large Intestine of the Hindgut Fermenter (Left lateral view):
- Liver
- Stomach
- Spleen
- Jejunum
- Decending colon
- Left dorsal colon
- Left ventral colon
(LM) Name the structures on this picture of the Large Intestine of the Hindgut Fermenter (Right lateral view):
- Cecum
- Duodenum
- Kidney
- Liver
- Right dorsal colon
- Right ventral colon
(CL) What is parts of the Cecum structure
- ileum joins the large intestine at the iliocecal junction
1. Cecum
2. ileocecal valve
3. ileum
(CL) What are Mesenteries and their supporting locations?
- connecting of the intestines to the dorsal body wall
1. Mesoduodenum: suspends duodenum; associated w/ pancreas
2. Mesentery proper: suspends ileum & jejunum; root of mesentery attaching to dorsal body wall
3. Ileocecal fold: 2nd mesentery supporting ileum; joins the ileum & cecum
4. Mesocolon: suspends colon
5. Mesorectum: suspends rectum