Digestive System Flashcards
Digestive system
Specialized to ingest, breakdown food
Digestion involves with physical and chemical breakdown
Physical: chewing, churning, and segmenting
Chemical: hydrolysis
Idea, smell or taste of food trigger salivary glands to secrete saliva
Salivary amylase breaks down starch into simple sugars
Teeth chew food
The tongue rolls the food into a ball and is pushed into the back of the throat
As the bolus enters the esophagus, the epiglottis( flap of skin)covers the trachea( windpipe)
- Epiglottis ensures that the food will not enter the trachea
A muscular portion of the gastrointestinal track through which peristalsis occurs
- parastalsis: wavelike, muscular contractions with push the bolus down.
Oesophagus to stomach
To pass into the stomach, the bolus passes through the oesophageal sphincter
Relaxation allows food in
Contraction Prevent the acidic contents of the stomach to come out
The stomach
Can hold approximately 2 to 4 L of food
- physical digestion occurs through waves of peristalsis in the stomach
- Gastric juices mixes with the food producing chyme
. Gastro juices are made up of water, mucus, salts and hydrochloric acid.
Protein digesting enzyme
- Digest stomach proteins because
- Little gastric juice until food is present
- From stomach cells, secrete mucus, which prevents gastric juices from harming the cells of the stomach lining
- Pepsi is produced in the form of hexen that remains inactive until hydrochloric acid is present
Small intestine
Measures 7 m in length
- Some physical digestion takes place by segmentation
- Main function is to finish digestion modules, and begin absorption of the subunits of macromolecules into the bloodstream
Pepsin and HCL in the small instestine
Once food reaches a small intestine, it is covered in hydrochloric acid and pepsin
- Small intestine for decks itself from the acid by the release of bicarbonate ions from the
Long finger like tubes, which increased the surface area of the small, small intestine
- Membranes of the villi that line a small intestine unfolded to the surface area as microvilli
- each bill has a capillary network that intertwines with limp vessels called lacteals
Pancreatic secretions contain enzymes which breakdown proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids
- Into the small intestine
Digest proteins into amin( trypsin)
What enzyme digest carbohydrates
Amylase- continues the digestion of carbohydrates
Types of Lipases
Liquid digesting enzymes
- pancreatic lipase breakdown, triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol
- cholesterol lipase , removes a fatty acid from a steroid cholesterol
- a third lipase , acts on phospholipids, and breaks them down into glycerol and fatty acids
Liver and gall bladder
Liver makes bile that is stored in the gallbladder
Bile: a combination of bile pigments and salts that physically break down fats to increase SA for lipase to act
Arrival of fat containing chyme in the duodenum stimulates the gallbladder to contract
Absorption of monosaccharides
Absorbed by active transport into cells of the intestinal villi and then to blood
Passed to liver where all are converted to glucose
Circulated from liver to body cells