Digestive System Flashcards
Digestive System Functions
- Ingestion—taking in food
- Digestion—breaking food into nutrient molecules
- Absorption—movement of nutrients into the bloodstream
- Defecation—excretes to rid the body of indigestible waste
Two Main Groups of Organs
Digestive tract (gastrointestinal, or GI, tract)
Continuous, coiled, hollow tube
These organs ingest, digest, absorb, defecate
Begins with the mouth –> ends with the anus
Accessory digestive organs
Include teeth, tongue, and several large digestive organs
Assist digestion in various ways
Connected to the GI tract by ducts
• Secrete chemicals which aid in chemical breakdown and absorption of food
Organs of the Digestive Tract
The digestive tract is a continuous, coiled, hollow tube that runs through the ventral cavity from stomach to anus o Mouth o Pharynx o Oesophagus o Stomach o Small / Large intestine o Anus
Anatomy of the Mouth
Mouth (oral cavity)
o Mucous membrane–lined cavity
Lips (labia)
o Protect the anterior opening
o Assist with injection by grabbing food and pulling into mouth
o Under voluntary control
o Form the lateral walls of oral cavity
Hard palate
o Forms the anterior roof of oral cavity
Soft palate
o Forms the posterior roof oral cavity
o Formed from a fold of mucous membrane
o Fleshy projection of the soft palate
o Helps prevent food from entering nasal cavity when swallowing
o Space between lips externally and teeth and gums internally
Oral cavity proper
o Area contained by the teeth
o Attached at hyoid bone and styloid processes of the skull, and by the lingual frenulum to the floor of the mouth
o Lingual Frenulum –> anchors tongue to floor of mouth and limits posterior movements
Tonsils o Part of the bodies defence system o Palatine Located at posterior end of oral cavity o Lingual Located at the base of the tongue
Functions of the Mouth
- Mastication (chewing) of food
- Tongue mixes masticated food with saliva
o Chemical breakdown of food - Tongue initiates swallowing
o Propulsion by pushing food - Taste buds on the tongue allow for taste
Serves as a passageway for foods, fluids, and air
Food passes from the mouth posteriorly into the:
o Nasopharynx
Connects nasal cavity to the oropharynx
o Oropharynx
Posterior to oral cavity
Foods, liquids and air passes through
o Laryngopharynx
Below the oropharynx and continuous with the oesophagus
Food is propelled to the oesophagus by two skeletal muscle layers in the pharynx
o Longitudinal outer layer
o Circular inner layer
Alternating contractions of the muscle layers (peristalsis) propel the food through pharynx inferiorly
o About 10 inches long
o Runs from pharynx to stomach through the diaphragm
o Passes through opening in diaphragm
o Conducts food by peristalsis (slow rhythmic squeezing) to the stomach
When food reaches the top of the oesophagus following swallowing –> a wave of peristalsis beings –> pushes food into the stomach
o Passageway for food only (respiratory system branches off after the pharynx)
Layers of Tissue in the Digestive Tract Organs
Summary of the four layers from innermost to outermost, from oesophagus to the large intestine (detailed next) o Mucosa o Submucosa o Muscularis externa o Serosa
Innermost, moist membrane consisting of:
o Surface epithelium that is mostly simple columnar epithelium
Except for oesophagus — stratified squamous epithelium
Covered in mucous secreted by cells or glands
o Small amount of connective tissue (lamina propria)
Contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and mucous secreting vessels (some parts of the body)
o Scanty smooth muscle layer (thin)
- Lines the cavity (known as the lumen)
- Just beneath the mucosa
- Soft, irregular dense connective tissue with blood vessels, nerve endings, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, and lymphatic vessels
o Glands and tissues secrete substances that aid in secretion and absorption
Muscularis Externa - Smooth Muscle
- Surrounds submucosal layer
- Propels food through Digestive Tract by peristalsis
- Performs mechanical digestion occurs
o Churns food - Has two layers:
o Inner circular layer
o Outer longitudinal layer
o Layer of nerve fibers between the layers regulate the activity of each layer
- Thin, serous membrane which helps to reduce friction
- Outermost layer of the wall
- Contains fluid-producing cells
Divided into:
o Visceral peritoneum
Innermost layer that is continuous with the outermost layer
o Parietal peritoneum
Outermost layer that lines the abdominopelvic cavity by way of the mesentery
Digestive Tract Nerve Plexuses
Digestive tract wall contains two intrinsic nerve plexuses that are part of the autonomic nervous system
o Submucosal nerve plexus
o Myenteric nerve plexus
- Regulate mobility and secretory activity of the GI tract organs
- C-shaped organ located on the left side of the abdominal cavity
- Stomach can stretch and hold 4 L (1 gallon) of food when full
- Varies from 15 – 25 cm in length
Diameter and volume depend on how much food it contains
o Rugae
Internal folds of the mucosa present when the stomach is empty
Stomach Regions
Cardial (cardia)
Near the heart and surrounds the cardio oesophageal sphincter (allows food to enter from oesophagus)
Expanded portion lateral to the cardiac region
Greater curvature is the convex lateral surface
Lesser curvature is the concave medial surface
As it shrinks anteriorly –> body becomes pyloric antrum –> funnel shaped pylorus
Funnel-shaped terminal end
Continuous with small intestine through the pyloric sphincter or pyloric valve
Stomach Omentum
Lesser Omentum
o Double layer of the peritoneum
o Extends from liver to the lesser curvature of stomach
Greater Omentum
o Another extension of the peritoneum
o Covers the abdominal organs and attaches to posterior boy wall
o Fat insulates, cushions, and protects abdominal organs
o Contains collections of lymphoid follicles
Contains macrophages and defensive cells of the immune system
Structure of the Stomach Mucosa
- Simple columnar epithelium composed almost entirely of mucous cells
- Mucous cells produce bicarbonate-rich alkaline mucus
o Clings to the stomach mucosa and protections from damage against acid - Dotted by gastric pits leading to gastric glands that secrete gastric juice, including:
o Intrinsic factor, which is needed for vitamin B12 absorption in the small intestine
Stomach Mucosa Cells
Chief cells
o Produce inactive protein-digesting enzymes (pepsinogens)
Parietal cells
o Produce hydrochloric acid that activates enzymes
Conversion of pepsinogen and pepsin
o Makes stomach contents acidic
Mucous neck cells
o Produce thin acidic mucus (different from the mucus produced by mucous cells of the mucosa) with an unknown function
Enteroendocrine cells
o Produce local hormones such as gastrin
Stomach Functions
- Temporary storage tank for food
- Site of food breakdown
o Three layers of muscle allow to move food along tract and breakdown - Chemical breakdown of protein begins
o Most occurs within the pyloric region - Delivers chyme (thick) (processed food) to the small intestine via the pyloric sphincter
Small Intestine
- The body’s major digestive organ
- Longest portion of the digestive tract (2–4 m, or 7–13 feet, in a living person)
- Site of nutrient absorption into the blood and all water absorption
- Muscular tube extending from the pyloric sphincter to the ileocecal valve
- Suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by the mesentery
Small Intestine Subdivisions
- Duodenum (5%)
- Jejunum (40%)
- Ileum (60%)
Small Intestine - Chemical Digestion
- Begins in the small intestine –> can only process a small amount of food at a time –> pyloric sphincter controls movement of chyme into small intestine –> prevents small intestine from being overwhelmed
- Enzymes produced by intestinal cells and pancreas are carried to the duodenum by pancreatic ducts
o Chemical breakdown of food ends in the pancreatic ducts - Bile, formed by the liver, enters the duodenum via the bile duct
- Hepatopancreatic ampulla is the location where the main pancreatic duct and bile ducts join
Small Intestine Structural Modifications
Increase surface area for food absorption
Decrease in number toward the end of the small intestine
o Villi
Finger like projections formed by the mucosa
• House a capillary bed and lacteal
Contains tubular indentations (intestinal crypts)
Each contain a lymphatic capillary (lacteal) as well as blood capillaries
o Microvilli
Tiny projections of the plasma membrane (brush border enzymes)
o Circular folds (plicae circulares)
Deep folds of mucosa and submucosa
Small Intestine - Peyer’s Patches
- Collections of lymphatic tissue
- Located in submucosa
- Increase in number toward the end of the small intestine
- More are needed there because remaining food residue contains much bacteria
o Must be prevented from entering the blood stream
Large Intestine
- Larger in diameter, but shorter in length at 1.5 m, than the small intestine
- Extends from the ileocecal valve to the anus
- Main functions –> propulsion and elimination of waste
Absorption of water, electrolytes and some vitamins are additional but limited functions
Distinctive Feature
Presence of large colon ease bacteria
• Responsible for B vitamin synthesis and Vitamin K
Subdivisions o Cecum o Appendix o Colon o Rectum o Anal canal
- Saclike first part of the large intestine (first to receive food)
Connects to large intestine by the ileocecal valve
o Usually, closed –> opens in response to gastrin (released by the stomach)
o Partially controlled by the nervous system
o When open –> digestive remnants of food travel from the ileum to the cecum