Digestive physio of poultries and its nutritional consequences Flashcards
What species is used as a basis for this topic
Have a higher prod level!
Are used for market eggs and meat prod
Purebreeds: what are they used for and the types
They are used for breeding eggs
- Lightbreed <2kg white leghorn
- Mediumbreed 2.5kg plymouth rock
- Heavybreed 3.5-4kg white cornish
9 aspects of the GIT
- Beak
- Saliva
- Esophagus
- Crop
- Gizzard
- Pancreas
- Small intestine
- Caecae
- Cloaca
Prefer feed with a seed-like physical form
FI depends on E content and the physical form, and so the FI can be changed without changing E
Small amount is produced
Softens feed
smaller bird has a smaller crop and therefore shorter storage time and so needs feeds more frequently
Not in waterfowl
Grinds feed into smaller particles (to compensate for the lack of teeth)
Is a good idea to include grit in the diet e.g limestome to aid the grinding
Small intestine (4)
- Small volume
- 5-6x the length of the body
- Short transit time- therefore use good quality feed
- Beta glucans are the antinutritive in barley, they have a high viscosity and decr digestibility because they cause narrowing of the lumen
Caecae (4)
Relatively small
Only 10% of the feed reaches here
Low fibre digestion
Excretion of urine and faeces together
ME is needed
Nutrition (4)
- Essential fatty acids
- E source
- Protein source
- Supplements
Essential FA’s
Linoleic acid
Def: depressed growth and skin problems
E source
Cereal grains
Make up 60-70% of the feed
Protein source
Legume seeds and oilseed meals
Make up 30-40% of the feed
Vits and mins
What are the physical forms of the feed (3)
- Mash= brown meal, is used to decr FI
- Pellets= larger
- Crumbles- particle size btw mash and pellets
**pellets and crumbles are preferred by chickens**
Cereal sources (4)
- Oat
- Barley
- Wheat
- Corn
Legume seed sources (4)
- Field pea
- Horse bean
- Soy bean
- Lupine
Extracted meals sources (3)
- Soybean meal
- Extracted sunflower meal (high in CF)
- Extracted rapeseed meal
Methods of diluting the E density
- Wheat bran: incr fibre and low E
- Alfalfa meal: high fibre
Both are used to avoid rapid growth