Applied digestive physio of Ru 2: degradation and synth of N-containing substances in the Rumen Flashcards
Nitrogen metab: CP
This consists of true protein and NPN
Formula: Total Nx 6.25
Protein degradation
Protein converted to peptides by bact protease
Peptides converted to aa’s by peptidase
AA’s converted to NH3, VFAs and CO2 by desaminase (IC)
Urea converted to NH3 by urease
High RDP, and what are the 3 examples
80% of protein is degraded in the rumen
- Wheat
- Barley
- Sunflower meal
Medium RDP
60% of the protein is degraded in the rumen
- Corn
- Extracted soybean and grass
40% of protein is degraded in the rumen
animal products e.g sorghum (these are now banned in the EU)- means that UDP of around 70% will enter the abomasum and intestine
How to incr UDP content of the feedstuff (4)
- Heat the protein- this decr the RDP
- Formaldehyde treatment: aldehyde group binds to the free amino group of the protein- later decomposed in the intestine
- Maillard reaction: degrades connection btw the protein and carb e.g calked soy pass for soybean
- Capping- lipid layer around methionine (this is the limiting aa)- prevents ruminal breakdown by the microbiome
Connection btw ammonia liberation and E production in the rumen
Mismatch btw E and ammonia- means there is waste (of xs ammonia)
Can give molasses because of its rapid E mobilisation- so both curves of the graph meet eachother
Urea fermentable potential
How much urea you can get from 1kg of DM
1.044 TDN-dg divided by 2.8
UFP: meanning of the values
+ TDN > NH3 liberation
0 TDN= NH3 liberation
(-) TDN< NH3 liberation
dg and the influencing factors
Protein degradation
Amnt and source of carbs
What is the E source for protein degradation?
The ATP from the carb degradation i.e the production of VFA’s
What is MP (metabolizable protein) and what does it consist of?
It is the aa’s that are available and can be absorbed by the SI
- UDP/bypass
- RDP: microbial protein synth from the feed protein degraded in the rumen
What are the 2 MP values
Nitroegen dependent: MPN
E dependent: MPE