Digestive physio and feeding characteristics of healthy dogs Flashcards
Mouth (3)
- Have 42 teeth
- Are carnivores originally- there for do not chew like omnivores, they use teeth to cut meat
- No digestive enzymes in the saliva
Stomach (3)
- Simple
- 60-70% of the GIT
- High HCl and pepsin- good protein digestion and low pH of 1.5-3.5
Small intestine (4)
Short! only 5-6x the body length
pH of 6-7
Receives the stomach content: digests chyme and absorbs the nutrients
Function of the villi (3)
- Incr the surface and abs area
- Tips produce disacchaidases and peptidases
- In youngL the brush border produces lactase
Large intestine (4)
- Simple, short and smooth
- Absorption of water and electrolytes
- Some fermentation
- Waste storage
What is the total transit time through the GIT
22 hrs
detoxification of vit A
Proteases: trypsin and chymotrypsin
Conjugated bile acids: glycine and taurine
Emulsify fats
Activate lipase
Unique concerns in dog nutrition (8)
- Are becoming omnivores through human domestication
- Large quantities once a day
- Can become obese
- The feed intake is regulated by volume not E
- Learn feeding habits slowly
- More likely to consume harmful things
- Low fiber intake
- Can convert beta carotene to vit A
BW at birth
once to 4 times a day
5 grade consistency scoring system
grade 1
Hard dry and crumbly
Bullet like
grade 1.5
hard and dry
grade 2
well formed
no mark when picked up
grade 2.5
well formed
slightly moist, sticky surface
leaves a mark when picked up
grade 3
Moist- beginning to lose form
Definite mark when picked up
grade 3.5
Very moist
Still has some form
grade 4
Mostly all the form is lost
Poor consistenct
grade 4.5
Some areas of consistency
Grade 5
Watery Dx