digestive disorders Flashcards
lesion/sore along surface of organ
CAUSES: acid resistant bacteria attach themselves to digestive tract wall
TREATMENT: medication- antibiotics, lifestyle changes- diet, surgery
SYMPTOMS: abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting
irreversible replacement of healthy liver tissue with non functioning scar tissue
CAUSES: chronic alcoholism and hepatitis C
TREATMENTS: liver can heal itself, or liver transplant
small, hard masses that form in gall bladder
CAUSES: made of cholesterol that grows (fat-like substance)
TREATMENTS: medication, ultrasound shock, surgery
colon cancer
solid cancerous growth that begins on inner surface of colon
develops from mushroom like growth that may take years to become cancerous
inadequate water intake, poor diet, lack of physical activity
TREATMENTS: increasing fibre intake
crohns disease
linked to problems with immune system
patchy areas of inflammation
poor muscle development, thinner bones
develops when theres not enough insulin, w/o insulin, glucose can’t get into cells
TYPE 1: no longer produce insulin
TYPE 2: body doesn’t make enough insulin
GESTATIONALS: occurs during pregnancy due to pregnancy hormones
low blood sugar levels commonly in adults
can be treated quickly and easily
pain/discomfort in upper abdomen
built up of bilirubin in blood stream, causes yellowish skin
- occurs when too many RBC are dying or breaking down and going to the liver
loose and watery stool