Different Free Will and Determinism Approaches Fall On Different Sides Of The Debate Flashcards
most psychological approaches are
deterministic to a certain extent because they look for patterns and causes of behavior
if the answer was always just that behavior was just down to free will
psychologists wouldn’t have much to study
many approaches
do acknowledge the existence of free will
hard determinism
completely rules out the idea of free will
soft determinism is the view point that
we choose our behavior but the choices that we made are the results of our own personality traits and intentions
Psychodynamic: Freud argued that behavior is
determined by unconscious forces
Psychodynamic: behavior being determined by unconscious forces is called
psychic determinism
Biological: behaviors are determined by
biological influences
Biological: schizophrenia has been linked to
genes and brain structures
Cognitive: behavior is the result of
free will and determinism
Cognitive: the approach looks for
patterns in how the brain processes external information and what behaviors this leads to
Cognitive: however, it acknowledges that people use
cognitive processes like language and reason to make decisions
Behaviorist: Skinner claimed that behavior is determined by
the environment and is the result of punishment and reinforcement
Behaviorist: behavior being determined by the environment, punishment and reinforcement is called
environmental determinism
Behaviorist: everyone has a different history of reinforcement so
knowing this about someone would allow you to predict their behavior
Behaviorist: if the environment conditioning changes then
their behavior will also change
Humanistic: this approach falls on the
free will side of the debate
Humanistic: humanistic psychologists believe that
individuals are in control of their behavior and are trying to achieve personal growth
free will and determinism
free will