Diet And Nutrition Flashcards
- provide energy
- 2 types
- body turns it to glucose and stores it as glycogen to ready to use for movement
- glycaemic index
What are the two types of carbohydrates?
Simple and complex
Simple carbohydrates
Food example
- quick release energy
- good for anaerobic events
- chocolate or banana
Complex carbohydrates
Food example:
- slow release of energy
- good for aerobic events
- found in bread and rice
Glycaemic index
Ranking of carbs depend on how quickly they can be used for energy
- low index should be eaten 3-4hrs earlier
- high index should be eaten 1-2hrs earlier
Three types of fats
Saturate fats
- LDL (bad)
carry fat to the tissues where it is stored (makes you fat) – clogs up arteries when sticks to the walls = heart disease - HDL (good)
carries fat / cholesterol to the liver where it breaks it down and uses / gets rid of it, meaning it doesn’t clog up arteries.
A type of fat found in the blood
Unsaturated fats
- good for breaking down and using as energy during anaerobic respiration
- contains trans-fats
- carry vitamins a,d,e,k
• Found in meat and dairy but mostly on the veg oli food is coated in during mass production. (extends shelf life).
• Also bad as lots of cholesterol.
• Should have no more than 5g a day
• Proteins are a combination of amino acids
• Needed for Growth and repair of muscles
• Make enzymes which speed up reactions
• Make hormones and make haemoglobin.
• Used for final energy if we run out
• Used by high energy athletes during training
• Your body cannot function properly without vitamins
• Fat soluble (found in fatty foods– A,D,E,K) – stored for later use.
• Water soluble – found in fruit and vegs (mainly water)
• Help with bodily functions
• calcium helps with strong bones and teeth
• Iron aids haemoglobin which is why people with a lack of iron feel fatigued.
• Electrolytes – help nerve impulses and muscle contraction function so important to replenish during sport
• Sources – meat fish veg fruit nuts
• Sources – wholemeal bread, pasta, potatos, nuts, seeds, fruit veg
• Obviously aids digestion
• Help during exercise because it slows down energy release so you can last longer!
• 60% of your body
• Needed to help cool you during exercise
Why is dehydration bad for performance?
• 1. blood viscosity increases slowing blood flow down
• 2. muscles fatigue quickens / headaches
• Cant transport nutrients quickly – needed for energy
• Increased HR in a bad way – starling law
• Decrease performance
• Decreased reaction time – lack of electrolytes being transported / fatigued