Diencephalon Flashcards
Brain subdivision completely surrounded by cerebrum. Superior to midbrain and pituitary gland connects to it
Diencephalon Components from Posterior to Anterior
Epithalamus -> Thalamus -> Hypothalamus -> Third Ventricle
Bump coming off the back of it
Bulk of Diencephalon located here
Located below the Thalamus
Third Ventricle
Space within Diencephalon
Third Ventricle Components
Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Epithalamus form its floor, walls, and roof
Produces CSF
Melatonin Definition
A homorome; Horomone is a chemical released in the blood stream and affects another organ
Pineal Gland Function
Produces Melatonin
Regulates circadian rhythm (24 Hour Body Clock) through release of Melatonin
Hypothalamus oversees pineal gland
Two oval masses of gray matter covered with white matter
Thalamus Function
Relay Point and processing center for all sensory impulses (Except for Olfaction) running to cerebrum.
Also acts as sensory information filter
If there was no Thalamus, how would this affect the cerebrums interpretation of sensory stimuli
Sensory Overload
Hypothalamus Functions
Autonomic Nervous System Control Center Endocrine System Control Center Body Temperature Regulation Water and Electrolyte Balance Regulation of Hunger/Food Intake Regulation of Sleep-Wake Cycles Control of Emotional Behavior
Autonomic Nervous System Control Center
Projects descending axons to autonomic nuclei
Influences HR, BP, Digestive Activies, and Repiration
Endocrine System Control Center
Endocrine System: Secretes hormones into the bloodstream
Hypothalamus produces what horomones and secreted by what?
Produces Oxytocin and Antidiuretic Homormone.
Secreted by Posterior Pituitary
Oxytocin Horomone Function
For Reproductive System
Antidiuretic Hormone Function (ADH)
Tells kidneys to concrete urine (reduce water content) ; secreted when you are dehydrated
Endocrine System Control Center (2)
Also produces hormones that regulate hormonal secretion of the anterior pituitary
Body Temperature Regulation
Senses temperature of blood in blood vessels traveling through hypothalamus
If temperature too high, body will release excess heat (Sweating)
Water and Electrolyte Balance
Examines blood in blood vessels
“Thirst Center”
Ions or molecules that can carry electric current (Na+ or K+)
Regulation of Hunger/Food Intake
Hunger or Feed Center
Satiety Center
Examines blood glucose center
Regulation of Sleep-Wake (Circadian) Cycles
Will regulate the pineal glands secretion of melatonin.
Upon exposure to light, hypothalamus raises body temperature and tells pineal gland.
If exposure to light affects the hypothalamus regulation of our circadian rhythm, then are there activities that we do that interfere with this regulation?
Having the light from the cell phone or TV’s before bed, reduces the amount of melatonin that is produced.
Control of Emotional Behavior
Hypothalamus located center of limbic system. Controls emotional response, pleasures, aggression, fear, rage, contentment,
May expressing emotional feelings as physical changes (blushing)