Diagrams & Processess ( Respiratory System) Flashcards
PROCESS QUESTION (1/5) Breathing
Pressure in lungs equalise with atmospheric pressure
Air flows in; down the pressure gradient
Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract
Pressure in lungs decrease to below atmospheric pressure
Volume of lungs increase
1 – Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract,
PROCESS QUESTION (2/5) Breathing
Pressure in lungs equalise with atmospheric pressure
Air flows in; down the pressure gradient
Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract
Pressure in lungs decrease to below atmospheric pressure
Volume of lungs increase
2 – Volume of lungs increase
PROCESS QUESTION (3/5) Breathing
Pressure in lungs equalise with atmospheric pressure
Air flows in; down the pressure gradient
Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract
Pressure in lungs decrease to below atmospheric pressure
Volume of lungs increase
3 – Pressure in lungs decrease to below atmospheric pressure
PROCESS QUESTION (4/5) Breathing
Pressure in lungs equalise with atmospheric pressure
Air flows in; down the pressure gradient
Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract
Pressure in lungs decrease to below atmospheric pressure
Volume of lungs increase
4 – Air flows in; down the pressure gradient
PROCESS QUESTION (5/5) Breathing
Pressure in lungs equalise with atmospheric pressure
Air flows in; down the pressure gradient
Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract
Pressure in lungs decrease to below atmospheric pressure
Volume of lungs increase
5 – Pressure in lungs equalise with atmospheric pressure
Fusion of vesicles
Formation of peptide fragments
Synthesis of MHC molecules
Presentation of complex onto membrane of antigen presenting cell
Binding of peptide fragments and MHC molecules
Phagocytosis of pathogen
1 – Phagocytosis of pathogen
Fusion of vesicles
Formation of peptide fragments
Synthesis of MHC molecules
Presentation of complex onto membrane of antigen presenting cell
Binding of peptide fragments and MHC molecules
Phagocytosis of pathogen
2 – Formation of peptide fragments
Fusion of vesicles
Formation of peptide fragments
Synthesis of MHC molecules
Presentation of complex onto membrane of antigen presenting cell
Binding of peptide fragments and MHC molecules
Phagocytosis of pathogen
3 – Synthesis of MHC molecules
Fusion of vesicles
Formation of peptide fragments
Synthesis of MHC molecules
Presentation of complex onto membrane of antigen presenting cell
Binding of peptide fragments and MHC molecules
Phagocytosis of pathogen
4 – Fusion of vesicles
Fusion of vesicles
Formation of peptide fragments
Synthesis of MHC molecules
Presentation of complex onto membrane of antigen presenting cell
Binding of peptide fragments and MHC molecules
Phagocytosis of pathogen
5 – Binding of peptide fragments and MHC molecules
Fusion of vesicles
Formation of peptide fragments
Synthesis of MHC molecules
Presentation of complex onto membrane of antigen presenting cell
Binding of peptide fragments and MHC molecules
Phagocytosis of pathogen
6 – Presentation of complex onto membrane of antigen presenting cell
PROCESS QUESTION (1/5) Response to increase in CO2
Detection by chemoreceptors
Increase in arterial Pco2
Decrease in arterial Pco2
Increase in respiration rate
Activation of the inspiratory area in the medulla
1 – Increase in arterial Pco2
PROCESS QUESTION (2/5) Response to increase in CO2
Detection by chemoreceptors
Increase in arterial Pco2
Decrease in arterial Pco2
Increase in respiration rate
Activation of the inspiratory area in the medulla
2 – Detection by chemoreceptors
PROCESS QUESTION (3/5) Response to increase in CO2
Detection by chemoreceptors
Increase in arterial Pco2
Decrease in arterial Pco2
Increase in respiration rate
Activation of the inspiratory area in the medulla
3 – Activation of the inspiratory area in the medulla
PROCESS QUESTION (4/5) Response to increase in CO2
Detection by chemoreceptors
Increase in arterial Pco2
Decrease in arterial Pco2
Increase in respiration rate
Activation of the inspiratory area in the medulla
4 – Increase in respiration rate
PROCESS QUESTION (5/5) Response to increase in CO2
Detection by chemoreceptors
Increase in arterial Pco2
Decrease in arterial Pco2
Increase in respiration rate
Activation of the inspiratory area in the medulla
5 – Decrease in arterial Pco2
PROCESS QUESTION (1/6) Immune response
Clonal selection
Formation of helper T cell clones
Recognition by inactive T cell
Activation of T cell
Antigen presentation
1 – Antigen presentation
PROCESS QUESTION (2/6) Immune response
Clonal selection
Formation of helper T cell clones
Recognition by inactive T cell
Activation of T cell
Antigen presentation
2 – Recognition by inactive T cell
PROCESS QUESTION (3/6) Immune response
Clonal selection
Formation of helper T cell clones
Recognition by inactive T cell
Activation of T cell
Antigen presentation
3 – Costimulation
PROCESS QUESTION (4/6) Immune response
Clonal selection
Formation of helper T cell clones
Recognition by inactive T cell
Activation of T cell
Antigen presentation
4 – Activation of T cell
PROCESS QUESTION (5/6) Immune response
Clonal selection
Formation of helper T cell clones
Recognition by inactive T cell
Activation of T cell
Antigen presentation
5 – Clonal selection
PROCESS QUESTION (6/6) Immune response
Clonal selection
Formation of helper T cell clones
Recognition by inactive T cell
Activation of T cell
Antigen presentation
6 – Formation of helper T cell clones