Diagnostic virology/bacteriology Flashcards
Neutrophil key function
Phagocytosis of microbes
Eosinophil key functions
Helminth destruction
Basophil key functions
Helminth destruction
Macrophage key functions
Phagocytosis of microbes/apoptotic cells
What is the coagulase test testing for and what shows a pos/neg test?
Tests for the ability of the bacteria to produce coagulase, which cross-links fibrinogen to form clots on the bacterial surface
Positive-Clumps(coagulation of plasma)
Negative-No clumps
What is the use of the catalase test in bacerial testing and what are the pos/neg results?
To see if the bacteria can produce catalase, an enzyme which catalyses the breakdown of H2O2
Positive-O2 bubbles
Neg-No bubbles
What is the purpose of lactose fermentation in bacterial testing?
To see if the bacteria can ferment lactose
Describe the outcomes of the bacterial haemolysis test
Alpha-Partial haemolysis(Opaque zone)
Beta-Complete haemolysis(Transparent greenish zone)
Gamma-No haemolysis :(
Why investigate a bacteria for haemolysis?
To see its ability to produce haemolysins
Gram pos cocci
Gram pos cocci
Gram neg bacilli
Why do gram-neg bacteria turn pink under gram staining?
Alcohol washes out the crystal-violet/iodine as there is only a thin peptidoglycan layer.
-Safranin then stains the bacteria pink
What is the purpose of alcohol in gram staining?
Dehydrates the peptidoglycan, making it tighter and better at retaining the stain in gram pos cells
If you had viral RNA and wanted to detect the viral load present, what PCR type would you use?
RT-qRT-PCR(Reverse transcriptase quantitive real time polymerase chain reaction)
-Detects viral RNA so this would be used
Branches of PCR
What is qRT-PCR?
Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR
What is RT-PCR?
Reverse-transcriptase PCR, used for RNA viruses
What is qPCR?
Quantitative PCR, used for measuring viral load