Diagnostic parasitology Flashcards
What are the defining features of T. cruzi?
Large kinetoplast,
C-shaped trypomastigotes
In which plasmodium species are you likely to see accole forms?
P. falciparum
On a thin blood slide you see numerous small, delicate ring forms and crescent shaped gametocytes. What plasmodium species is it?
P. falciparum
What colours are the nucleus and cytoplasm in plasmodium species?
Nucleus stained red
Cytoplasm stained blue
What are the defining features of T. Brucei?
Small kinetoplast
Dividing forms seen in blood
In what plasmodium species do you find double chromatin dots and multiple invasions of RBC?
P. falciparum
In a thin blood slide you see amoeboid trophozoites and schizont so with 16-24 merozoites. What plasmodium species is it likely to be?
P. vivax
What species of plasmodium do you see schuffners dots and enlarged RBCs?
P. vivax and P. ovale
In a thin blood film you see enlarged, fimbriated RBCs and schizonts with 8-12 merozoites. What plasmodium species is it likely to be?
P. ovale
In a thin blood film you see infected microcytic RBCs and band form trophozoites. What plasmodium species is it likely to be?
P. malariae
What are the defining features of Wucheria bancrofti?
Nuclei throughout body
Gently curved body
Tail tapered, no nuclei at end
What are the defining features no features of Brugia malayi?
Nuclei through body
2 sub-terminal nuclei
Usually kinked
What are the defining features of loa loa?
Curled round tail
Nuclei extend to tip of tail
In a faecal sample you see a round cyst with 1-4 nuclei and 10-15 micrometers long. What is it likely to be?
Entamoeba histolytica/ dispar
In a faecal sample, you see a flask-shaped yellowish egg measuring 25-30 micrometers with an operculum. What is it?
Opisthorchis spp.