Diagnostic Mycology PART 1 Flashcards
Characteristic Features of Fungi Seen in Direct Examination of Clinical Specimens: Morphologic Form Found in Specimens
- Yeastlike
- Spherules
- Yeast and pseudohyphae or hyphae
- Pauciseptate hyphae
- Hyaline septate hyphae
- Dematiaceous septate hyphae
- Sclerotic bodies
- Granules
Yeastlike fungi:
1.Histoplasma capsulatum (2-5)
2.Sporothrix spp. (2-6)
3.Cryptococcus spp. (2-15)
4.Malassezia furfur (infungemia) (1.5-4.5 )
5.Blastomyces spp. (8-15)
6.Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (5-60)
Small; oval to round budding cells;
difficult to detect when present in small
Histoplasma capsulatum
Small; oval to round to CIGAR SHAPED
single or multiple buds present;
uncommonly seen in clinical specimens
Sporothrix spp.
Cells exhibit great variation in size;
usually spherical but may be FOOTBALL SHAPED ; buds single or multiple and “pinched off”; capsule may or may not be evident;
occasionally, pseudohyphal forms with or
without a capsule may be seen in
exudates of cerebrospinal fluid
Cryptococcus spp.
Small; BOTTLE SHAPED cells, buds separated
from parent cell by a septum;
emerge from a small collar.
Malassezia furfur (in fungemia)
Cells are usually large, DOUBLE REFRACTILE
when present; buds usually single;
however, several may remain attached to
parent cells; buds connected by a BROAD BASE
Blastomyces spp.
Cells are usually large and are surrounded
by smaller buds around the periphery
(“mariner’s wheel appearance”); smaller
cells may be present (2-5 µm) and
resemble H. capsulatum; buds have
“pinched-off” appearance
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Spherules Fungi:
- Coccidioides spp. 10-100
- Rhinosporidium seeberi 6-300 (protozoan pathogen that is studied in
Vary in size; some may contain
endospores, others may be empty;
adjacent ____may resemble
Blastomyces spp.; endospores may
resemble H. capsulatum but show no
evidence of budding; may
produce multiple germ tubes if a direct
preparation is kept in a moist chamber
greater than/equal to 24 hr
Coccidioides spp.
Large, thick-walled sporangia containing
sporangiospores are present;
mature sporangia are LARGER THAN
spherules of Coccidioides;
hyphae may be found in cavitary lesions.
Rhinosporidium seeberi
Yeast and pseudohyphae or hyphae fungi:
- Candida spp. except Candida glabrata 5-10
- M. furfur (in tinea versicolor) 3-8 (yeast)
2.5-4 (hyphae)
Cells usually exhibit single budding;
pseudohyphae, when present, are
constricted at the ends and remain
attached like links of sausage; hyphae,
when present, are septate.
Candida spp. except Candida glabrata
Short, curved hyphal elements are usually
present, along with round yeast cells that
retain their spherical shape in compacted
clusters; “spaghetti and meatballs.
M. furfur (in tinea versicolor)
Pauciseptate hyphae Fungi:
Mucorales: Mucor,Rhizopus, and other
genera 10-30
Hyphae are large, ribbonlike, often
fractured or twisted; occasional septa may
be present; smaller hyphae are confused with those of Aspergillus spp., particularly Aspergillus flavus
Mucorales: Mucor, Rhizopus, and other
Hyaline septate hyphae Fungi:
- Dermatophytes, skin and nails 3-15
- Dermatophytes, hair 3-15
- Aspergillus spp 3-12
- Geotrichum spp. 4-12
- Trichosporon spp. 1-4 by 8
Hyaline, septate hyphae are commonly
seen; chains of arthroconidia may be present.
Dermatophytes, skin and nails
Arthroconidia on periphery of hair shaft
producing a sheath indicate ectothrix
infection; arthroconidia formed by
fragmentation of hyphae in the hair shaft
indicate endothrix infection.
Long hyphal filaments or channels in the
hair shaft indicate favus hair infection
Dermatophytes, hair
Hyphae are septate and exhibit
dichotomous, 45-degree branching; larger
hyphae, often disturbed, may resemble
those of Mucorales
Aspergillus spp.
Hyphae and rectangular arthroconidia are
present and sometimes rounded; irregular
forms may be present.
Geotrichum spp.
Hyphae and rectangular arthroconidia are
present and sometimes rounded;
occasionally, blastoconidia may be
Trichosporon spp.
Dematiaceous septate hyphae fungi:
1.Bipolaris spp.,
2.Cladosporium spp.,
3.Curvularia spp.,
4.Exophiala spp.,
5.Exserohilum spp.,
6.Hortaea werneckii,
7.Phialophora spp
Dematiaceous polymorphous hyphae are
seen; budding cells with single septa and
chains of swollen rounded cells are often
present; occasionally, aggregates may be
present in infection caused by
BEECCH Phia 2-6
1.Bipolaris spp.,
2.Cladosporium spp.,
3.Curvularia spp.,
4.Exophiala spp.,
5.Exserohilum spp.,
6.Hortaea werneckii,
7.Phialophora spp
Sclerotic bodies Fungi:
1.Cladosporium carrionii
2.Fonsecaea compacta
3.Fonsecaea pedrosoi
4.Phialophora verrucosa
5.Rhinocladiella aquaspersa
White, soft granules without a
cementlike matrix. 200-300
2.Acremonium falciforme
3.Acremonium kiliense
4.Acremonium recifei
Brown, round to pleomorphic,
thick-walled cells with transverse
septations; commonly, cells contain two
fission planes that form a tetrad of cells
sclerotic bodies
1.Cladosporium carrionii
2.Fonsecaea compacta
3.Fonsecaea pedrosoi
4.Phialophora verrucosa
5.Rhinocladiella aquaspersa
Black, hard grains with a cementlike
matrix at the periphery
Aspergillus 500-1000
-Aspergillus nidulans
White, soft granule without a cementlike
matrix. 65-160 dm/mm
-Curvularia geniculata
-Curvularia lunata
Black, soft granules, vacuolated,
without a cementlike matrix, made of
dark hyphae and swollen cells.
Exophiala 200-300
-Exophiala jeanselmei
White, soft granules without a
cementlike matrix 200-500
-Fusarium moniliforme
300-600 size range granule
Fusarium solani
Black, soft granules without a
cementlike matrix; the periphery is
composed of polygonal swollen cells
and the center has a hyphal network
Madurella 350-500
-Madurella grisea
Black to brown, hard granules;
two types:
(1) rust-brown, compact, filled with
cement-like matrix;
(2) deep brown, filled with numerous
vesicles, 6-14 µm in diameter,
cementlike matrix in periphery, central
area of light-colored hyphae.
Madurella mycetomatis 200-900